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  1. DayTrip

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    AMC White Mountain Guide shows 2.9 miles to the Mt Clinton Trail. Maybe website route tools like CalTopo and Gaia do not catch that little jog that swings up the grade briefly to that viewpoint and then cuts across that slope back down? It appears to be on the map but maybe it messes up the...
  2. DayTrip

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    I missed that detail. I got hung up on the "between Eisenhower and Monroe" statement so it didn't seem like the Mt Clinton Trail made sense. That is indeed a "big time" river crossing and at this time of year no doubt was extremely dangerous. Even on a nice Summer day and it can be tricky...
  3. DayTrip

    Water filter

    I've dabbled with the SteriPen (they now have a "heavy duty" backcountry model which is actually sufficiently durable). It is super easy and supposed to be quite effective as long as there aren't too many particles floating around in the water. Just the issue of remembering to charge, which is...
  4. DayTrip

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    I'm not sure I follow the situation on this one. If he was found 400 ft from the location that hikers found a jacket and gear then he was near a trail I assume at a river crossing? I assume no one was bushwhacking in there at this time of year. The Mt Clinton trail really isn't between...
  5. DayTrip

    Water filter

    I've used every type and style of water filter over the years and I think the "best" one depends on the types of water sources you expect to have on your planned route. While there is overlap among all the types of filters there are definitely scenarios that severely limit or rule out certain...
  6. DayTrip

    The good old Flume Slide Shortcut - Rescue

    It does seem that the usual multiple rescues for that trail have declined. I wonder if it is coincidence or it's actually working. The Great Gulf seems to be turning into a "thing" now. Maybe that is the new target on social media and Huntington isn't cool anymore.....
  7. DayTrip

    how much fun are group hikes?

    I don't group hike but have recently started hiking with a couple of partners a few times a year and this is what I like most about it too- seeing the same awe inspired grin I know was on my face when I did it. In March 2020 I went up North with a girl I've hiked with for a few years and after...
  8. DayTrip

    Another Day another Rescue

    I guess but man that is not easy, particularly if they weren't seasoned hikers. Just not sure what the hell the group was doing in there to start with. It's 4.5 miles from the GG trailhead to the junction of that trail. Did they go up that way? Descend down it from another route and stop...
  9. DayTrip

    Another Day another Rescue

    Wamsutta is very, very steep and has many pretty tricky scrambles. Love to know more details on this one. Surprised they were escorted up this trail by USFS to get out. Great Gulf must have been in truly awful shape.
  10. DayTrip

    Mt. Parker

    Waumbek's trail reports on NETC are very detailed and helpful. He's one of the few people that I'll click through and read his reports when I see them.
  11. DayTrip

    Mt Katahdin "porn" (photos)

    I forgot my official Maine AMC Guide and maps was older than I thought and does not reflect the changes of the 2010's to 2020's. I think I had a similar map "issue" last year when I asked about OJI. I went to the Baxter site and see the trail on their map. As all the cobwebs starting falling...
  12. DayTrip

    Mt Katahdin "porn" (photos)

    Katahdin is such an awesome peak! South Turner is another awesome peak in my opinion that I never really hear anyone talk about. Tremendous views on that summit and not a lot of people the times I have done it. Question(s): 1) You frequently mention that Northwest Basin Trail so I assume it is...
  13. DayTrip

    Ultra Runner Search and Rescue in the Pemi

    Probably because I don't think many people here on VFTT are horrified at the idea of somebody hiking alone. I think that is more for Facebook fodder....
  14. DayTrip

    Another Spring Day another S&R effort

    Attempting a Northern Presidential Traverse? What was his planned route? It was either a horrible plan or he got seriously messed up or both. And it says he abandoned his attempt. Was that on WED?? If he left MON and was out for 2 days where was he traveling? Clearly he did not know the area...
  15. DayTrip

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    Yes, being solo does have it's advantages in my opinion. I still do 90% of my hiking alone but over the past few years I've picked up a few semi-regular hiking partners and it seems quite important to have the same general interests, risk tolerance and thought process. I definitely find both...
  16. DayTrip

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    I wondered about that too. I like taking wacky loops/routes all over big mountains but I'm not sure I ever did Jefferson or Adams leaving from the Crawford Lot. That is a pretty long walk even for a fit and experienced hiker. I wonder about the timing of when that note was jotted down and when...
  17. DayTrip

    Lost Hiker - Crawford Path Parking lot

    I never, even as an amateur starting out years back, understood the logic behind going down into a drainage area as an "escape" route. I can understand descending to a point to find shelter and ride out some truly horrific weather. But traveling on steep, scrubby slopes like that with no trail...
  18. DayTrip

    Ultra Runner Search and Rescue in the Pemi

    What kind of messenger are you using? When I had a SPOT that was a constant problem. It was worse than having nothing. My Garmin rarely did that, even in pretty deep valleys like the Great Gulf, etc. I'm using a Zoleo now with no issues either. I believe SPOT's satellite provider network is(was)...
  19. DayTrip

    Ultra Runner Search and Rescue in the Pemi

    SAR is "Search AND RESCUE" after all. So if a SAR organization gets involved then..... :D What PVSAR said in the article was that "a search response was initiated". I guess based on what the search turns up determines if there is a "rescue" required or they can call it off. Even if they just...
  20. DayTrip

    Mt. Israel with a side trip the Beede Falls.

    I didn't know any of the history of the area but that doesn't surprise me. The grades were very comfortable and the switchbacks very gentle, even for snowmobile trails, so I suspected it was probably some sort of carriage road "back in the day". I also saw numerous artificial looking depressions...