Carpal tunnel operation

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Mar 17, 2006
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White mountains
I need to have a carpal tunnel operation and was wondering if anyone knew from experience how long it took to get back hiking using poles. Since I need to have both hands fixed, I may only do one a year so that I won't lose too much play time.
Just had both of mine done. The right wrist on February 20th and the left wrist on March 20th. Everyone's recovery is different and you won't know ahead of time how yours will be. I was expecting to sail through this (except for the anesthesia which I don't handle well at all- but that I knew ahead of time from past experience) but that's not how its happened. My body happens to be one that forms a lot of internal scar tissue. So I have a buildup of scar tissue on the nerves in the palms(basically heel section) and wrists. They're actually lumpy to the feel. I won't be paddling or using poles for awhile.Painful. It takes several months to regain your former strength in your hands regardless of one's scar tissue. Several times a week I see an excellent therapist for electrical stimulation, heat, ultrasound, deep massage and mobilization. The deep massage is the one that will break up the scar tissue. It's very important to do this at home also. You might be one of the lucky ones and have absolutely no problem at all!

To me, here's the deal on the timing: If I was going to have any trouble at all, I wanted to have to deal with it in the shortest period of overall time possible. My reasoning was if I was going to be affected for say two to three (that was my original optimistic estimate before the scarring) months for each hand then I wanted to do it as close together as possible so the healing time periods overlapped. That way I wold lose the minimum amount of time when looked at from a total time period.

Talk to the surgeon. He's your best answer.
Haven't had it done myself so I can't comment directly on recovery time. However, my wife is scheduled to undergo carpal tunnel surgery in a couple of weeks. The surgeon we found specializes in hand surgery and is doing it arthroscopically as opposed to the traditional method. He says that recovery time is much quicker this way as it is far less invasive. If anyone is interested in contact info, let me know.