Anyone Know What Mountain/Trail This Is?

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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Anybody know what peaks/range this photo is and if there are trails on it? Was on the NH page of NETC so I assume it is a peak in NH somewhere and looked like a pretty awesome hike if there is a trail on it.



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I'm pretty sure that is from Mt. Chocorua.

I would agree. Those like like the sisters in the foreground, with the Moats in the middle ground, and Kearsarge North in the background.
The answer the second part of the question, the mountain is covered with trails with approaches from all point of the compass. A great "small" mountain that thinks its big. It is loved to death and tends to be crowded for the summit approaches with far less use of the trails to the sisters. Best shot is an early morning hike as most folks time the summit for lunch.
I believe you can just make out the stone foundation of the old fire tower on Middle Sister. The highest peak on the horizon would be Mt Washington.
Thanks guys. Chocorua has been on "the list" for me for about 25 years and I've never done it. I'll look for a route over the sisters and try to catch it on a week day. Is there a particular trail or trails that gets the most exposure to all those rock outcroppings?
Thanks guys. Chocorua has been on "the list" for me for about 25 years and I've never done it. I'll look for a route over the sisters and try to catch it on a week day. Is there a particular trail or trails that gets the most exposure to all those rock outcroppings?

There is a trail called the Middle Sister trail. You can start at the Carter Ledge trail and use it and the piper trail to do a double-sticked lollipop loop. I've never done it, but it looks pretty fun!

I would go with psmart on the peaks in the pic, as the vantage is more to the north than I realized. :)
Damn. Was that literally your photo on NETC rocket21? Can't wait to do this hike now. Looks like a very fun and scenic ridge.
Great pic, they must have used this one for the Chocorua N view on page 111 of "Scudders White Mt Viewguide." Washington, Wildcats, Carter Dome, Old Speck (just barely) in back; from the left Mt. Nancy all the way up the Crawford Path for the Southern Presis left to right; and Bear Mt. in the left foreground is bigger than most folks think!!!
I have done Chocorua from all angles and my favorite way was including the Three Sisters.

Parking off Rt 16, the route of Piper Tr>Nickerson Ledge Tr>Carter Ledge Tr>Middle Sister Tr (over the Three Sisters) to peak Chocorua. Alot of cool exposed ledge with great views along the way.

Then can loop back down via Liberty Tr>Hammond Tr>Weetamoo Tr>Piper Tr>CAR

I preferred that route over the very popular Champney Falls O&B or even the loop route from the south of Brook Trail and Liberty Trail. Though I love any way up Chocorua really! But that first route with the Sisters is a fantastic hike.
Awesome shamples. Thanks. I just sat down with my maps because I'm waiting for a mattress delivery so I thought I'd distract myself from the PERFECT HIKING WEATHER taunting me out my window. I'll check out those trails.

rocket21 - I was informed you are "the guy behind the curtain" for the NETC by another member. Outstanding job! Best trail condition site on the web IMO.
I just climbed Chocorua April 11. It was a beautiful day. I used snow shoes all the way. I hit the middle sister then on to the peak of Chocorua. I took off the shoes and scrambled to the top. The views were incredible. This was the first time I climbed it. I was alone and saw not one other hiker all day.i can see why this is "the most climbed mountain in NH"image.jpg
Mike Z
I just climbed Chocorua April 11. It was a beautiful day. I used snow shoes all the way. I hit the middle sister then on to the peak of Chocorua. I took off the shoes and scrambled to the top. The views were incredible. This was the first time I climbed it. I was alone and saw not one other hiker all day.i can see why this is "the most climbed mountain in NH"View attachment 4944
Mike Z

Still that much snow to warrant snow shoes? Man this is one late start to Spring. Going into May soon and the trail reports are still referencing post holes up to your waist on many trails.
Check the MWOBS forecast for the next few days -- new snow in the area of the higher summits, and possible whiteout conditions because of the high winds. In fact, just a few years ago while on the Twinway near the Galehead hut, we got a foot of new snow. In late May -- almost June.

Stay frosty...

I did Waumbek in 8" of snow last Memorial Day Weekend. Sheeesh.
I did Waumbek in 8" of snow last Memorial Day Weekend. Sheeesh.

I have a friend whose family was trying to talk him into doing the Rockpile this Mem Day. I found a YouTube video from that weekend last year, I think on the Jewell Trail. Clearly several feet of snow. Hopefully that did the trick on the family...
I did the Jackson/Webster loop this time last year, and there was still about 4' of snow between the peaks. Also, I hiked Osceola last Memorial Day, and there was a few inches of fresh powder (but nothing underneath). I think we have a LONG time before the melt really begins, and when it does, it will be fast.
I did Waumbek in 8" of snow last Memorial Day Weekend. Sheeesh.

The Memorial Day weekend storm last year was pretty unusual. It dumped snow at elevation (parts of NY got a couple of feet of snow IIRC). There is usually still snow in some places on Memorial Day, but last year was not normal.