Spring is roaing in like a lion!


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B the Hiker

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Jan 31, 2008
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Middletown, CT
55 and rain today at ground level in North Conway, with a nighttime low above freezing.


Temps in the 40s all next week.

I have to confess that I don't remember past springs up north, but it seems like spring is coming very early this year, at least at ground level. Or maybe it's just that there feels like there's less snow at ground level this year.

Spring certainly does not feel early in CT! My yard is usually snow free at this point. As of right now 95% of it is still covered in nearly a foot of snow. Just started seeing patches of ground last weekend.
The NWS has the high in North Conway today progged at 48,which I think is more likely than the (undoubtedly extrapolated) Weather Channel number.

The feds have issued a notice about possible ice dam flooding for all of NH and half of Maine.
We must take the bad with the good, and any day with a wind chill above 0 F feels pretty good just now.
55 and rain today at ground level in North Conway, with a nighttime low above freezing.


Temps in the 40s all next week.

I have to confess that I don't remember past springs up north, but it seems like spring is coming very early this year, at least at ground level. Or maybe it's just that there feels like there's less snow at ground level this year.

Hog Wash....abosolutely disagree. I live in the MWV and quite the opposite has been occurring. Today is one day with some rain. An isolated anomaly. It has been glacial here and the long range forcast if you can believe it is for below normal temps as has been most of the month of February and March.


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Knowing people that make maple syrup in the spring, I can say we definitely haven't had the number of warm days like normal in the SW part of the state. Very few syrup makers around here have boiled into April if at all. It's normally gotten to warm by then for the sap to run. It's been so cold that all our friends/farms have only even been boiling for a week or two now with the first runs coming out poor so far. It's only 6 days left to April and they are just getting into the swing of things now.
Based on the spring sporting schedule going from anticipated start week this weekend, to "we have no idea". I'd say spring is certainly not 'early'.
Knowing people that make maple syrup in the spring, I can say we definitely haven't had the number of warm days like normal in the SW part of the state. Very few syrup makers around here have boiled into April if at all. It's normally gotten to warm by then for the sap to run. It's been so cold that all our friends/farms have only even been boiling for a week or two now with the first runs coming out poor so far. It's only 6 days left to April and they are just getting into the swing of things now.

Today was my first sap run this season. My trees are on a NW slope at 1500 feet so they are a bit slower getting started than the trees lower down. Right now I still have two to three feet of snow in the sugarbush. Carthage Maine
I stand corrected! I was up two weekends ago and was surprised at how little snow there was at ground level. I guess I'm hoping the roads will open early this year.
Skiguy is spot on!

My girlfriend lives in North Conway and there's still a lot of snow in her yard at ground level. It's been brutally cold all winter, could of used a space heater for the Jeep it was so friggan cold going to and from trailheads for hikes.

I'm ready for spring! :)

Today was the first day we saw bare ground in our front yard that was not a tree well or that I shoveled. Inside of the snow banks, I'd say my yard is 99 44/100ths white. I was up in North Conway and I'd say we have about the same snow here. Now once you left picked up any elevation, that changed. On Tecumseh, the last marker at the top was right at the top of the snow. Willard's last marker was a little lower than my hip.

After today and early tomorrow, it's supposed to go back to below normal for a few days. Snow showers called for in SE CT for Saturday AM. Two weeks of above average temps, some rain and warmer than freezing nights so you have overnight melt cycles can make a difference. An Easter nor'easter (like that ever happens ....:D ) can drop another 12-18 inches in the mountain.

Now the Sierra on the other hand, they need snow badly.
I stand corrected! I was up two weekends ago and was surprised at how little snow there was at ground level. I guess I'm hoping the roads will open early this year.

It all depends on where you look. If you're on a sunny southern slope vs. a shady norther slope you'll form very different opinions. The woods were still very snowy on Sunday - felt like a mid winter hike with a broken watch.
I gauge spring by the bloom of our forsythia bushes on Boston Marathon day and use it to schedule certain landscaping and gardening tasks. 30 years of observation has revealed little in the way of a pattern other than a modest year to year variation in the peak. There is much more snow still around this year ... so far ... and, being on a NW slope, I expect it'll be the last place to melt south of the latitude 80N!
Middlefield must be in a different CT than the one I live in. Okay, the snow pack is thinner but my yard is still 98% white. Higher summits forecast for this weekend still has below zero wind chills and 1-2 inches of snow possibly today and tomorrow. They got 3.1 inches yesterday. (past 24 hours)

Roads depend also on being dry. Some open earlier than others, Jefferson Notch and the road into the North Twin trail are some of the last ones to open. (Sometimes J-Notch will open but only Base Rd to Jeff Notch and the Caps Ridge lot are accessible.)

You can probably look at the USFS road thread and see what opened first last year. While the date may change and any specific road may change, you should see a pattern, especially if the thread is unedited. It's a common thought every Spring, same as the snow-free trails thread. Too early for that one.... yet.)
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55 and rain today at ground level in North Conway, with a nighttime low above freezing.


Temps in the 40s all next week.

I have to confess that I don't remember past springs up north, but it seems like spring is coming very early this year, at least at ground level. Or maybe it's just that there feels like there's less snow at ground level this year.


It is the Northeast...ya never know! http://www.accuweather.com/en/weath...nge-milder-northeast-california-rain/44615205