Doubletop herd trail

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May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Brattleboro, Vermont
I did Doubletop last weekend - Interesting how a herd trail has developed 90% of the way up the northern spine from the Seager trail. It made the "bushwhack" a lot easier. It is tough to find though, and I found I had to Bushwhack a ways up the spine from the Seager trail until I found it. It's pretty faint.
I don't understand how Rusk doesn't have a herd trail yet. There's only one main route that just about everyone takes, yet I saw basically no evidence of a herd trail. You'd think after decades one would have developed with people going the same main way all the time. Not that I care though since I enjoy bushwhacking, it's just surprising.
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Yeah I noticed that the herdpath going up the north spine actually seemed to get better the higher up I went. Still surprised no herd path has ever materialized on Rusk, there's really only one way that makes sense to whack up that mountain, unless you want to lengthen the route unnecessarily.
I actually prefer to find my own way up Rusk, so happy to avoid the herd paths which are so established as to make it not really a bushwhack.
I hear you.
Do you know of anyone who's bushwhacked up Allen Mtn? (ADK) I would think that would be quite the challenge. The idea of it has always intrigued me.
Many have; there are a few threads about bushwhacking Allen from the north and from the east, here and on he adk specific forums.
ps - I wish I had known about this forum a dozen years ago so I could've joined then. I wasn't even aware of its existence until this Spring.
Spencer, please start another thread on Allen Mt if you're looking for information. You'll miss potential input putting it in a Catskills thread on Allen Mt.
It's also a good idea to match your question with the right section of the forum. Cross posting the same posts in different threads confuses people, including me.

The faint herd trail from Seager going most of the way to the top (still hard to find in places though, especially near the bottom) make it a lot easier.