Best Site For Past Weather Observations

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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What is the best site for reviewing past weather observations for an area? I used to reference a site that had an hourly list with the weather station abbreviation (METAR or META or whatever it is called - drawing a blank on that too), time, temp, wind, precip, etc. in a simple text format. I've scoured every weather site I use and can't seem to find it. Intellicast's "Past Observations" is close but doesn't list any precip data. Not sure if what I used to reference has been reformatted or if I have somehow lost track of the site I used to reference.

Anyone have an idea what I might have been using?
Some station identifiers are:
kbml Berlin, NH
kmwn Mt Wash, NH
khie Whitefield (Mt Wash Airport), NH
kleb Lebanon, NH
klci Laconia, NH
kply Plymouth State U, NH
kizg Fryeburg ME
Other identifiers can be found from a link on the above page.

There is a lot of other weather and climate info at the same website: In particular, click on "Data Archive", ( The first link above can be found under "surface" > "Station Meteograms, Recent".

I have been using these sites. For past 24 hour data on Mount Mansfield that includes current temp, recorded at 5 minute intervals, wind speed, wind direction, and wind gust:

For past year and month data for Mount Mansfield that includes high and low temp, precip totals, snowfall amount, and snow depth. Scroll down to view station data in the link:

For past year and month data for Mt Washington. January 2018 data appears missing a number of days.