Andersuck and Nancy

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May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Brattleboro, Vermont
I went up the Nancy Pond trail to climb Anderson and Nancy. I got a nice early refreshing start of 1:30 in the afternoon yesterday! Doh!
Anyhow, I ducked off the trail just past Nancy Pond and began the whack through the depths of hell to Andersuck.
And boy did it suck going to Anderson. Prison bar woods where I had to squeeze through the tightest spaces between walls of nearly impenetrable conifers. Breaking out of a Federal Supermax prison would have been easier than this approach to Anderson. Among the thickest woods I have encountered in all of NH.

It took me 2 hours to go just a little over a half a mile. I arrived at the summit canister only to find that it was like locked shut. Despite trying and trying I could not get that sucker open. It felt like someone epoxied it shut.
I then descended a steeper direct trajectory toward the end of Norcross Pond.
The woods were steep and thick but still better than the ascent route I took from Nancy Pond. After skirting around some big cliffs I dropped down quickly to more or less even with Norcross Pond. Absolutely beautiful area. I love the Nancy plateau between those mountains, incredibly serene.

I then flew up the Nancy herd trail making really good time to the summit which had an awesome view. I made it the 5.1 miles back down to my car by 9:45PM.
No bugs anywhere all day. The cooler temps must have kept them away, which made the Anderson Class 4 and 5 bushwhack a lot more tolerable.

Look at the incredible view on the way to Anderson

How about this view? You can see so distantly!

View from the cliffs looking at Norcross Pond and Nancy on the descent of Anderson

Norcross Pond

From just past the end of Norcross Pond looking westerly
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You missed Lowell and Duck Pond.;)All kidding aside I have found the approach from Carrigan Notch more open. Going in from the North of the Notch following the Eastern spine of the Notch has been more open than going the way you went for me. I think they are all easier in Winter IMO.
I did Duck Pond and Bemis last wintertime. I gotta climb Lowell and Vose, but I plan to go up thru Carrigan notch to tackle those two. I'll follow that spine up Lowell - I've heard good things about that approach
Going up Lowell that way gives you a great chance of hitting the open area on the NW side of the mountain before the Summit. One of the most interesting places I’ve been in The Whites.
Going up Lowell that way gives you a great chance of hitting the open area on the NW side of the mountain before the Summit. One of the most interesting places I’ve been in The Whites.

When you're not stupid and go up the NW side of Lowell after a rainstorm, find crap woods, leading your friends who thought they were going up the south ridge but yet assuring them you heard this way was fine, plus being pressed for time. It was indeed a great viewpoint, as evidenced by a watery lensed camera shot, I was just too P.O.'ed to enjoy it. :D Another place I'd love to get back to.
When you're not stupid and go up the NW side of Lowell after a rainstorm, find crap woods, leading your friends who thought they were going up the south ridge but yet assuring them you heard this way was fine, plus being pressed for time. It was indeed a great viewpoint, as evidenced by a watery lensed camera shot, I was just too P.O.'ed to enjoy it. :D Another place I'd love to get back to.
Sounds like you were too close to the edge.:D