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  1. F

    LT - Route 108 to Lamoille River

    September 10, 2011 Long Trail from Smuggler's Notch to the Lamoille River is in good shape. A few blowdowns from Whiteface Mtn to West Settlement Rd. Also, a VAST snowmobile bridge is unusable about a mile up from the iron gate on West Settlement Rd. The suspension bridge over the Lamoille is...
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    Long Trail, Coddling Hollow to Eden Crossing, August 19-20

    After work on Friday, we posted a car at Coddling Hollow and drove to the access road for the Babcock Preserve and Ritterbush Pond. The two-mile hike in to Spruce Ledge Camp took just about an hour. The water source is a spring and stream crossing the LT where the side trail takes off up the...
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    Dreimal hoch! Great pic of "The Beef in his seat..." Does he do the hikes? Fourfingers / 66/67
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    Are poles worth it?

    My wife had a TBI 20 years ago has had balance issues ever since. A few years ago a hiker our age on Moosilauke convinced my wife to get poles and it saved her hiking. I've found them to be very helpful on rocky downhills - Liberty Springs Trail for instance, less helpful on rooty downhills...
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    Owl's Head

    I've done this both ways - a Black Pond bushwhack and an all-trail approach. There seemed to be a reasonable herd path about half way up to the brook crossing from the Pond (around the west side of the pond). In a wet spell, it's likely to be soggy in parts. I decided it was quicker going in...
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    Redington, the Crockers - August 12

    Randalls, Yes, we took the left fork for a couple of hundred feet and then decided to scope out the right fork - never went back to see where it ended up. The place we pondered was at the saddle - with logging track in each direction - we found a couple of cairns going to the left. Where we left...
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    Maine - Abraham via the Fire Warden's Trail

    The road in from Jordan's Lumber in Kingfield is passable all the way to the Firewarden's Trail. I had a Subaru in there a month ago. I actually stopped before the last bridge, but there were two Subarus parked at the trailhead. My wife and I took a shuttle in to Perham Stream, climbed up to do...
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    best way to hike wildcats if solo

    To avoid much of a road walk, park at Pinkham Notch, take the Lost Pond Trail to the Wildcat Ridge Trail and climb the ridge all the way out to the summit of A Peak, then return back to the top of the gondola between D and E. Descend on ski slopes - I think the gentlest descents are to the left...
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    Caribou Valley (Pond) Road, ME conditions

    Marty, Yesterday (August 13) a Jeep Liberty and a Toyota sedan were parked at the AT Crossing. Almost any car can get to the lot before the steel-decked bridge. I was in there last September in a Honda Civic. The last two days I took a Subaru Outback in with no troubles - about 20 minutes in...
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    Redington, the Crockers - August 12

    Left Greensboro, VT at 0445 and drove via Dixville Notch, NH, to Startton, ME, and the Caribou Valley Rd, parking just short of the AT crossing. Bill Dallmeyer and I hiked up the CVR following directions by George Brown of the Maine AMC Chapter. Directions, slightly modified: Hike straight...
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    Current Information About CVR Condition - Please

    I drove a passenger car in to the singing bridge (steel grate / no banjos) and parked both yesterday and today. A jeep and a Toyota Sedan were both parked at the AT crossing today. My nephew and I did Redington yesterday (Friday, Aug 12), the whack over to S. Crocker, a quick trip to N...
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    Long Falls Dam - Kennebec, Aug 6, 7

    Great hike - all trails in perfect shape. MATC has the best trail crews in New England. The (private) dam across the outlet of Pierce Pond could be problematic in high water. Two possible ways around it - Harrison's Pierce Pond Camps has a (private) corduroy bridge that connects a blue-blazed...
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    AT, Long Falls Dam to Caratunk, August 6-7

    Friday, August 5 Left Greensboro, VT, at about 4 pm for the drive to Bingham, ME. Twenty minutes were lost getting by the Danville construction on Route 2. I’d arranged on Thursday afternoon for lodging on Friday night in Bingham, Maine, for a ride to Long Falls Dam Rd after breakfast on...
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    Success Pond Road

    I drove in from Berlin yesterday - went through the Mahoosuc Notch and back down. Completely accessible. (We did not try to go out the Grafton Notch end.) Fourfingers / [email protected]
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    Mahoosuc Notch, 31 July

    Loop hike up the Notch trail, down the Notch and up the Arm on the Mahoosuc Trail, May Cutoff, Speck Pond Trail, and a road walk back to the car. All trails in perfect shape. Took Bill Dallmeyer through this favorite stretch - we both think Mahoosuc Arm is a tougher stretch than the notch...
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    Maine 4000 footer to save for last?

    I agree with the Bigelows. Just hiked the Bigelow Range yesterday - with one car I'd do a loop hike up the AT and down Firewarden's Trail. Avoid the Blackflies of June, make sure the skies will be CAVU (Clear and Visibility Unlimited). Spending the night to see sun-up from the top would crown...
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    Bigelow Range via AT, July 24

    Posted a car at Stratton Pond Brook Rd and was driven to Long Falls Dam Rd by Sue, proprietor of the Stratton Motel (at 0430 so we could get an early start). Trail in excellent shape! I have to nominate the MATC for the best, most consistent trail maintenance and improvement program, at least...
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    LT / Eden Crossing to Hazen Notch, July 17

    Trail from Rte 118 to Belvidere is perfect. A couple of blowdowns between Belvidere and Tillotson Camp. Some puncheon could be renewed north of Tillotson Peak. Trail crews have renewed the trail since the winter. Three day-hikers seen in 10 mile morning jaunt. Fourfingers and Screwloose...
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    Saddleback Range, Spaulding, Abraham - July 13, 14

    Saddleback Range, Spaulding, Abraham via AT, Firewarden's Tr; July 13, 14 July 13 - Saddleback Range between Perham Stream and Maine 4. Strenuous hike - section between Orbeton Stream and sag between The Horn and Saddlback Jr similar to Mahoosuc Arm in root and rock treadway. Distance from...
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    LT, West Settlement Rd to Coddling Hollow

    10 July 2011 Trail design, treadway, blazing all excellent. Very recent blowdowns - mostly last three days: seven or eight leafy hardwoods between Plot Road and Coddling Hollow; two or three half way from Plot Road to Round Top Shelter; One half way from Prospect Rock to Round Top. Trail crews...