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  1. andinista

    Twins / Galehead / Garfield - 1/7/12

    Nice to see you all at the Hut - what a great day to be out. Our group of eight did the traverse from Seven Dwarfs to Beaver Brook. Sue's snowman made us smile...
  2. andinista

    Stargazing at Baxter

    We are heading up to Baxter at the end of the month, staying at Foster Field for a few nights. Wondering if anyone knows if there is a good area for setting up the telescope near there? Or any other suggestions of places to go within the park where we've got some open space to take advantage...
  3. andinista

    Parapet Trail

    Yup - I'm actually intrigued now. Might have to give it a try at some point. Unless I can be talked out of it....
  4. andinista

    Maine Island Trail Association

    Even better than a towel is an old bathmat. The fuzzy side is great for the boat to slide on, while the sticky side keeps it from moving as you put the boat on.
  5. andinista

    Your boats?

    I've got an Impex Montauk. The only boat I've ever owned, and I love it!
  6. andinista

    Any other Run of the Charles paddlers yesterday?

    I was paddling, too! (Sorry for the very delayed reply - I'm a new member and this is my first day playing on the site with access to this forum!) I was part of a corporate and VERY recreational team. We were happy to finish, and really enjoyed the beautiful weather. I'm more of a kayaker...
  7. andinista

    Waltham brews anyone??

    I'll be there! And yes, apparently my first post on this forum will be related to drinking...