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  1. R

    Buy now or wait? (Snowshoes & crampons)

    I had checked out REI (Reading store) a week or two back and they were completely out of stock, with no plans for more stock till next season. LL Bean was sold out as well. Campmor seemed picked over, they had no MSR snowshoes in stock at all. EMS had been out of my purview for years now. My...
  2. R

    Buy now or wait? (Snowshoes & crampons)

    For snow, I'd be wearing my big ole Sorrels, not trail runners. I'm not sure how trail runners entered the picture. That's summer footwear.
  3. R

    Buy now or wait? (Snowshoes & crampons)

    And the winners are: MSR Evo Ascent snowshoes from Whittaker Mountaineering, $160 w/discount, and the Hillsound "Trail Pro" from EMS (of all places?). I am officially off the fence. Ready to rock and roll. Thank you all.
  4. R

    Buy now or wait? (Snowshoes & crampons)

    I have microspikes. They're great. Funny thing is I've almost never actually had to use these borrowed snowshoes and crampons; almost every time, microspikes were enough.
  5. R

    Buy now or wait? (Snowshoes & crampons)

    Hi gang. My winter hikes so far have relied on borrowed snowshoes and crampons. This must end; I need to acquire my own. But local retailers (west Boston burbs) are all out of stock, and even the Internet outlets seem picked-over. What to do? Wait till next fall to buy? Any place you know...
  6. R

    Poll: Hiking or Climbing Solo - Do you do it? Ever?

    Yeah, DP. I hear you. I remember a hike up and down Lafayette (well, Greenleaf, if not the summit) almost exactly 24 years ago, looking across the way, wondering why I was schlepping up this mountain, instead of skiing Cannon. I'm too new here to have a feel for the demographics and what...
  7. R

    Poll: Hiking or Climbing Solo - Do you do it? Ever?

    Everything's specialized these days. Even within the "hiking community." Peakbaggers and long-distance hikers go to the mountains with very different hopes and expectations. But there are online forums for all interests, and lots of armchair hikers. I are one. Hopin' to fix that soon.
  8. R

    Poll: Hiking or Climbing Solo - Do you do it? Ever?

    I started my hiking career in the Whites mostly doing weekend outings with friends. Between 1990 and 2007 my project was the AT; that included several 100 mile sections, a 650 mile section, and a final 587 mile section in 2007. Almost all those miles hiking alone, in fact I almost never...
  9. R

    Trail respect

    Dear Doug, I shall seek the nearest outdoor store and amend my evil ways. The snowshoes I own are wood frame and rawhide, ancient but serviceable and I'd not enjoy carrying them on my back. The Tubbs that I acquired in 1990 or so disintegrated and went into the trash, but the old wood and...
  10. R

    Trail respect

    Or might it be, reluctance to carry snowshoes, assuming the trail has already been "consolidated"? I'm somewhat new to winter hiking though I've been in this position and felt the glare and silent opprobrium of the snowshoe-wearers. I come from a mindset that eschews excess weight and but...
  11. R

    Hiking partner

    Hello, Unlikely. Please PM me. I'm two years your junior, AT 2000-miler by the trailname terrapin 'cuz I'm not into hiking speed records. 1 mph. is fine for the Whites. I'm in Bedford, MA, work near Manchester, NH, and get every other Friday off. Whoopee! I know enough about winter hiking...