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  1. B

    Dog Stories...

    Wednesday, June 1st, I started towards Skylight at the Trail Head in Keene Valley. I heard some bells tingling as I unloaded the truck. Four (4) wolf like dogs came out of the wood with some nice little bells on. They found me interesting with a little growl; but thankfully the owner was...
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    Haystack Saddleback Basin

    I'm looking to do these three or at least Haystack tomorrow, Monday, March 14th. Could use company. I'll be in the car throughout the afternoon and some of the evening (today ~ Sunday). 315-730-3995
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    Maybe someone can help?! I have flat feet and poor circulation. A disproportionate amount my time is spent managing my feet. I perspire profusely at the onset; then my feet freeze shortly thereafter. The rest of my body is fine. I have been reading about the VB liners and will have them...
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    Route Plan

    As some of you know; I just started this November 03. Although I've got 16 accomplished, I often bite off large chunks... Which brings the question: I want to leave from AMC to Gothics, Saddleback, Basin, Haystack and return in one day. I'm no marathoner; but often treck for 12 +/- hours...
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    I have lots of questions...

    I attempted my first overnights with ambitious plans of doing the great range (lower wolf jaw, upper, etc), and on to Haystack and returning. I went home after the first night (about 20 miles later). My problems: pack (40 lbs) was killing me, too wet, many trees down, freezing after a wet day...