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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA
Wednesday, Feb 28th, 7:30pm

As always, I am planning on going to this show at the awesome Lafayette Theater in Suffern, NY with the Wurlitzer Organ (and a really good organist)...

Anybody else interested, we (Askus3) usually meet at he Mason Jar BBQ place in Mahwah, NJ for dinner and then drive a mile north or so to go see the show.

I'll have to talk to askus3 if he's planning on going..

Sounds like fun. Carla & I are in.

Hi Rob, I sent you an email...

Dinner is at 5:30 at the Mason Jar BBQ place in Mahwah with Askus3 and the rest of the ADK group...

Jay - probably a "Mighty" Wurlitzer Organ. You really are a geek!!

Oh, sorry, I do mean Mighty... One cannot call a Wurlitzer just by itself, it is truly a Mighty musical instrument.

Every halloween, they usually do a horrorfest.. I mean what is more appropriate to watch an old time black and white horror movie with a (Mighty) Wurlitzer?

Alistair, let me know if you can make it and if you can make dinner. The Mason Jar is only about a mile away from the theater so it's not really that far out of your way.

Jay: Give me a final total of VFTT participants on Sunday evening 2/25, so I save space at the table I reserve at Mason Jar at 5:30 PM on Feb. 28. If we get more than ten for the Mason Jar, maybe we will have a separate table for the VFTT crowd! I invited Alistair to join me since he lives in the neighboring town. Hopefully we can come together. I wonder if Dawn will make it like she did last year. That will give us one last time to see her with the gang before she pushes off to Georgia to start on her AT journey. Also, if you need to purchase tickets, I can get them at Campmor when I get the tickets for my group.
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Hey Aaron, Alistair hasn't said anything to me about the show or the dinner (other than what was posted here). As far as tickets go, I am buying 1 for me and 2 for I12climbup and his wife sometime this week. I can buy it in Fairfield, about a mile or so from where I work.

I'd love to join you guys for supper and beer at The Mason Jar, however it is to early for me to commit. Hopefully my schedule will fix itself by the end of next week and I can see if I'm free. If threre is no space at your table, I'm sure I will live and hope to see you at the theatre.
Dawn, Alistair... are you guys coming to the show and/or dinner? Just updating since this is this wednesday..

Sorry you can't make it Dawn. We cannot make it to your official send-off, but don't forget to call us when you get to the Delaware Water Gap if you'd like anything. We live about 2 miles from the AMC Mohican Outdoor Center in Blairstown. We'd be more than happy to give you rides or bring some pizza, or whatever. :D 908-362-6688 or 908-399-9462

Rob and Carla
Went to the Banff showing at Suffern with I12Climbup, Carla, my friend Ralph, Banjolady, Askus3, and the rest of the ADK ramapo chapter last night after an interesting but rushed dinner at the Mason Jar.

I felt this year's program was good, but nothing really standoutish, like say Jon Muir's trek across Australia ("Alone Across Australia") or the sheer newness factor of going to see the shows for the first time for me, when it was at FDU in Teaneck, NJ.

My favorite program was the 56 minute long bike tour from Mongolia to India... I guess though I am biased a bit, because I love to bike tour myself, in fact, starting to look into finishing my cross country trek someday. (I've gone from my house to Maine and New Brunswick already so I am looking at finishing it off from West coast to my house).

I am bummed that I didn't win anything this year too! (I think askus3's daughter won something...Aaron?)...

Overall, it still is a fun event and always an awesome theater to see movies and stuff in. In fact, it is the best theater I have ever been in, I bet it would make watching the 6pm world news a fascinating experience!!! Nothing beats the organist and the Wurlitzer to start off the show. Especially with the "Sound of Music" fare...The hills are alive.....:)

Jay, you are correct. Stacy was the first name picked at the beginning of the intermission. She won a pair of Leki collapsible hiking poles. Our group consisted of 20 for dinner at the Mason Jar. I think most have found the movies interesting. I kind of agree with you that this year was not as exciting. I felt the bicycle marathon was just too much of a marathon film. It was too loooong. However, I found the lego film and the pigeons in Michigan (Minnesota?) entertaining and cute.
Well, congrats to Stacey! I have never used my Lekis that I won, in fact, the only person who used them was Dawn, on Boundary Peak in NV, no less. They are kind of heavy, much more heavy than my Komperdells and they are the anti-shock kind..

Pidgeons.. Those were ducks... Mergensers (sp?) to be precise. I found the lego thing cute but nothing I would actually want to pay for to see, no disrespect to the kid who did it, I'd just rather see more action films.

Oh, this year, we actually parked right across from the theater, couldn't find parking in the small residential houses behind the theater and wound up on Rt 59 itself...

Carla and I had a great time and enjoyed the films very much. Since this was our first time, we had nothing to compare it to. We will definitely be making this a yearly ritual. Was real nice to meet Ralph and Aaron and Nancy and the entire gang from the ADK club ......... a very friendly bunch of folks! The burgers at the Mason Jar were yummo, we'll have to get back there again for dinner sometime. And even tho we didn't win anything at the theatre :p we are looking forward to doing it again next year. :)
i enjoyed meeting everyone too, i am a resident of suffern and love the lafayette. it is about the only "oneplex" left in rockland county. the suffern civic association worked very hard to keep it from being torn down and made into something else. i liked the ducks film but i must admit to dozing off a couple of times in the other films despite the excitement of the content. I'd like to see more about mountain climbing techniques and stuff i can realistically relate to. the photography and scenery were gorgeous in most of the films. luckily i did not have far to drive home.