Slide Mt 1/04/08

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Parking area on R47 is plowed out better than the parking lots at some shopping centers I've been to in the past week.

About 12" of dense powder down below, with 18"-24" at the higher elevations. Neversink is frozen over pretty well, and not running strong, making crossing easy. Trail is packed all the way to the summit, with moderate postholing from barebooters. No ice to speak of, streams are all running low and easy to cross, no blowdowns, but the trees are hanging low on the summit ridge and encrusted with ice.

Trail is broken from r47 to the summit. Neither side trail to Denning was broken. Trail is not broken down the East face of Slide toward Cornell Mt.

Required equipment: snowshoes.

This was my first hike with snowshoes -- had a blast!