Pleasant Mt. Traverse 03/25/08

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Up the Ledges trail, hard packed, to the summit. Used spikes, but could be bare booted. Snowshoes for the trek across the ridge on the Bald Peak Tr. Not well tramped out but a few have been across the ridge in the last few days. Trail was glazed over with a coating of ice which broke through easily. Small pieces of ice that have fallen from the trees are lying all over the snow, and with the sun out, glittered like millions of diamonds. Quite unusual to see. Over to Sue's Way and back down to the Bald Peak tr. and down to the road for the walk back. Snow was getting soft by noon so snow shoes were a good choice. No need for crampons. It was nice to take a hike without a full pack of winter gear. Spring is coming, some thawing around the creeks. Seems like I had the mountain to myself today.

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