Mt. Jackson, Mt. Pierce via Webster-Jackson Trail et al, 07/25/08

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Jan 29, 2007
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Mt. Jackson, Mt. Pierce via Webster-Jackson Trail, Webster Cliff Trail, Crawford Path

Date of Hike: Friday, July 25, 2008

Trail Conditions: Mud, running water, standing water

Special Equipment Required: None


Webster-Jackson Trail to Mt. Jackson - very wet - standing water/mud on the flats, running water down the trail on the pitches. Large blowdown a few minutes after the Elephant Head junction. Summit ledges dry thanks to sun. First significant brook crossing was tricky, as it required a hop from one wet ledge to another. Bugs no problem.

Webster Cliff Trail to Mt. Pierce - also wet, some standing water/mud on the non-south exposed flats, some of the bogwalks were partially submerged (but hoppable), some running water on the pitches. No blowdowns, bugs no problem.

Crawford Path to 302 - wet, flats somewhat muddy, pitches had running water. No blowdowns, bugs no problem. Gibbs Falls very impressive today!

Said trails may be in better shape tomorrow, but they certainly can't take much more rain in the near future!

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