The Bonds and Zealand (via Zealand, Twinway, Bondcliff, and West Bond Spur) 8/23/2008

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Trail Conditions: All trails are very dry (for the most part) and truly in excellent condition! A few minor muddy spots on Zealand trail and the lower section of the Twinway (just above Zealand Hut). Bondcliff is in spectacular shape.

Special Equipment Required: None.

Comments: I've been waiting to climb the Bonds for weeks now, and could not have asked for a better day. Initially, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle a 20 mile hike, but I made it (and my legs do seem to be holding up this morning!). The Bondcliff trail in particular is an absolute gem...

There were a lot of really friendly people out on the trails today, and I simply had a blast. This was by far one of the most challenging, yet hugely rewarding, hikes that I've ever undertaken. I look forward to visiting the Bonds again.
