Isolation via Rocky Branch 8/23-24

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Monica, Hannah dog and Sandy headed up Rocky Branch at noon. The hard part was all in the first 3 miles since we had heavy packs:) Setup camp around mile six at 4:45 and then headed up to Isolation much lighter and faster! Beautiful 360 views around 6:30 pm from summit. Back to glorious campsite for a wash in the stream followed by cheese enchiladas and cookies. Up at dawn, great breakfast and then a 3 1/2 hour walk back to the car on Sunday morning.

Much mud and water all around, so poles were very helpful. No bugs, no campsite critters (used the hanging food bag approach).

Hannah (the dog) loves to tramp around in all the water and mud, it was her 43rd 4k and mine. I think we will get our badges this year!