Highpointers Up The Butt: to 7,500 feet


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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Brookline, MA
This morning I found the first progress report on my answering machine; it took some time (and many replayings) to transcribe it.

On Sunday (May 30th) the weather was nice in Anchorage but the mountain was pretty much closed and the airstrip was closed. Later that day there was a break in the weather and three of the group (Bob, John and Ben) were allowed to fly in under beautiful skies. They got in at 9:30 PM and set up quick base camp on Kahiltna Glacier. Next day (Monday, May 31st) the other three (Garrett, Peter and Thom) flew in. Pretty nice day, but too warm (I think they were worried about crevasses, but message was not very clear) so they hung around in camp in the sun. Then clouds came in and temeratures dropped, snowy, so they headed out, each with over 100 pounds (half on back, half in sled). They went in about five miles and set up camp at 7,500 feet.

They were not quite sure what they would do next day, they expected that they would carry half their gear some way up and return for the night.

An interesting observation is the perpetual daylight; it is difficult to sleep with the sun shining through the tent at 3 AM!

Everything is going well!
Nice Report M.E. !
Please keep us posted ASAP...