Mt Garfield via Mt. Garfield and Garfield Ridge Trail - 2008.11.02

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Date of Hike: 11/2/2008

Trail Conditions: Mt. Garfield Trail was clear but a little wet for the first half. The second half had some ice and less than an inch of snow but nothing that couldn't be bare booted.

The Garfield Ridge Trail was but could be bare booted on the way up. I used micro spikes coming dow but others bare booted with little trouble.

Special Equipment Required: Poles, waterproof boots and microspikes.

Comments: Beautiful day all around. The summit was sunny and balmy. I accidentally went the wrong way on Garfield Ridge coming off the summit and that side of the trail is very, very icy. I would have had a hard time coming back to the summit from that side without traction devices.

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Your name: Bill and Sheep

Your E-mail address: [email protected]