Puzzle Mt., South summit 3/20/09


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Grafton Loop Trail from ME Rt. 26,parking limited; trail appeared to have been used quite a bit with a well packed snowshoe track, and it was frozen. We used micro spikes. One large blowdown trail had been packed around it. There were a few icy spots up top easily by passed. Small stream crossings ok can be stepped over and snow bridges holding at least for now. Coming down after lunch there were a few areas of snow getting soft we did not sink in much. Very impressed with the view from this nice mountain had a unique look at the northern presis plus backside of mahoosucs oldspeck etc. Blondie lost her sunglasses on way up, located on the way down at a location identified by her hiking partner...if we had more time we would have gone up to north summit. Save it for another time..Regards, milanmilker