Mt Cabot by Bunnell Notch and Mount Cabot trails 4/10

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Mount Cabot by Bunnell Notch and Mount Cabot trails

Date of Hike: Friday, April 10, 2009

Trail Conditions: Bare ground, mud, spring snow

Special Equipment Required: Light traction


We used the "closed" trailhead at the west end of Bunnell Notch with no issues
Trail near the trailhead was pretty dry and bare bootable, giving way to a mix of soggy spring snow and mud. The monorail was solid enough in the morning for bare boots, but we put on microspikes. Off the monorail we postholed knee deep. Microspikes worked well to the cabin. Lots of fresh snow at the summit, so we put on snowshoes, which we wore on the way down until the mud became more prevalent than snow. Snow was much softer on the way down in the afternoon.
There were a lot of moose signs (moose postholes) from just below the Mt Cabot junction trail to above the Kilkenny Ridge junction, especially just above the Kilkenny ridge junction. We saw two moose about 50 feet off the Bunnell Notch trail on our way down.