Timber Camp Trail via Greeley Ponds Trail from Waterville Valley


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Timber Camp Trail via Greeley Ponds Trail from Waterville Valley

Date of Hike: May 03,2009

Trail Conditions: Greeley Ponds trail to Timber Camp Trail completely open with no problems at all. One section of the Timber Camp Trail had flowing water running over the trail and was kind of tricky. There wasn’t any real way not to get my feet wet. Higher on the trail still had some spots of ankle deep snow, but those caused no problems.

Special Equipment Required: No special equipment needed at all, but I always have my trusty hiking pole just in case

Comments: Nice little trail that didn’t require too much effort. In some places trail might be hard to find, keep an eye out for cut trees to find your way. The view up the Mad River Notch is really nice, but once the leaves start to sprout, the view will probably be very limited. Plan a trip soon!

Your name: Mark Hollenbach

Your E-mail address: [email protected]