Mt Cannon. Lonesome Lake, Kinsman Ridge Trails 7/13/09

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Trail description: Not to steep on the way up. A few muddy spots by rivers. Lonesome lake was mostly wet and muddy along the boardwalks. It rained for about 5 minutes then cleared up. Take caution going up the steep parts near the top.

My group started hiking around 10:00 am. We made it to Lonesome lake in about an hour. There were helicopters bringing in logs and dumping them not to far from the lake. Some of the board walks were badly damaged or rotted out. Not far from the top it was very steep and one slip you could get badly hurt. I scraped my leg while climbing up a rock. At the top I was kind of disappointed there was a big crowd. I was the only one that appeared to have climbed the mountain everyone else took the tramway.

- John McCarthy
[email protected]