Pawtuckaway State Park Road Access

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
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Waltham, MA Jazzbo & Marty meet Bigfoot on Kenne
This spring I did some nice hikes in Pawtuckaway State Park. I'd like to return this weekend for an excursion with my wife and teenage kids. My wife has bad ankles so she's limited in her hiking abilities. When I was their in early spring the roads leading into area between South and North Mountain were gated. My question is are gates always closed or do they open them up during summer and fall so it's not such a long hike into the areas like Boulder Field etc???
The gates are closed during mud season. That's when the roads take their worst beating. After they dry out they open the gates to vehicles. They close them again after the snow comes but I've seen them open all winter before.

The tower road is pretty rough right now but the road down to Round Pond is not bad.

P-way is kind of a special place. There are places in there that you would swear that you are in the north woods; miles from the nearest road. The whole backside of the park is pretty much open access and you're left alone over there. So far this has worked out because folks follow the rules (there really aren't that many to begin with). We all try to keep it that way. I know that I don't have to tell anyone on this board to be cool in the woods (preaching to the choir) and hopefully we can all be self policing and help others be the same so this extremely neat place can continue to be left as is. I'm usually hesitant to mention it in a public forum and keep it under the radar but it really isn't secret anymore.
We went. It was good.

We went. It was good. It was late in the day and light was bad for photography and time was short. We parked near boulder field and wife was able to make it up to ledges over Devils Den. Nice to see all the young folks enjoying themselves bouldering. Good clean fun!