Kinsmans via Mt. Kinsman and Kinsman Ridge Trails Nov. 8, 2009

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Trails: Mt. Kinsman Trail had some ice above ~3,000' and some mud below; but was mostly clear and dry with good footing. Kinsman Ridge Trail was quite icy. Hikers I met on the ridge who had come up via the Fishin' Jimmy Trail reported more icy conditions. It would appear that the western aspect of the Mt. Kinsman Trail allows for more drying and melting than the eastern approaches.

Equipment: Poles and Yak Trax, Stabilicers, or Microspikes for Kinsman Ridge Trail. It was so warm and Indian-summery below that several folks I met on the ridge had left their traction devices in the car or at home - and were sorely regreting it.

Note 1: The Mt. Kinsman Trail has a new trailhead and parking area about 0.2 mile south of the old trailhead. The sign for the trailhead turnoff is small, and may not be immediately obvious as you drive by.

Note 2: Thanks to Una Dogger for recommending the Mt. Kinsman Trail approach.