Mount Isolation via Glen Boulder, Davis Path, Isolation (east), Rocky Branch Tr (6/5)

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
NH Seacoast
Date of Hike: 5 June 2010

Trail Conditions:

Glen Boulder Trail to Davis Path: Trail in good shape, no significant blowdowns, mostly dry.

Davis Path from Slide Peak to Isolation Trail (west): About 5 significant blowdowns to go over/around, otherwise good.

Davis Path from Isolation Trail (west) to Isolation Trail (east): This 0.3 mile section is a mess. 3 areas each with 10-20 blowdowns. Hopping from trunk to trunk and squeezing tight spaces through here. Major chain saw work needed.

Davis Path from Isolation Trail (east) to summit spur: 1-2 blowdowns to contend with. Overall not bad.

Isolation Trail (east): Trail very wet in most places. 4-5 blowdowns. Crossings all manageable with a little thought and a few committed leaps. Not necessarily easy.

Rocky Branch Trail: Very wet on the west side of Engine Hill, dryer on the east. Generally good otherwise.

Special Equipment Required: Waterproof boots and gaiters would help. No need for any traction (1 10-foot patch of snow on Davis Path was it).

Comments: Weather was unsettled all day going between dark, low clouds and patches of blue and sun. Only hit one 15 minute stretch of light rain; got lucky the rest of the time. Saw no one else out there but some fresh boot prints although we didn't hit the trail till almost 11:00. Spooked a couple of grouse, had nice limited views above treeline on Slide Peak and Isolation, and had a good day hiking with Dander Mifflin. Wanted to try that route to Isolation for a few years; might be a nice one in the winter too.

Your name: Raven

Your E-mail address: [email protected]