New hiker in the on deck circle

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Our daughter gave birth to our first grandchild very early this morning.
We've already been prowling around for info on hiking packs to carry children and strollers for trails and woods roads.
Big guy, 10lbs 9oz. Hope to have him in front of me in the pack canoe this summer and on his first mountains.
Life is good.
Yes, life is good. Congrats to you and your family, and hope mother and son are well. He's a big boy.
Congratulations, Alan and family!


We have our first grandchild, too! He was born in October and we were able to have a lovely "hike" with him in Portland, OR, in the city's Rose Garden and Japanese Gardens.

We're looking forward to some Lake George island camping with the little guy! At 3 months, he giggles and coos. He loves his bath and we know he will love swimming in the most beautiful lake in the world.

We can't believe how complex "kid carriers" have become since we carried our first child in a little Gerry pack with no extra padding or anything. He survived trips to Indian Falls and Marcy Dam and, at one year, we took him out in the Blizzard of '78. I can't believe I cross-country skied and snowshoed with him in the pack.

Pat T
Congrats on the new hiker in the family! That's awesome news! They make hiking boots awfully small these days!

Congrats, he's a lucky boy to have parents that love the outdoors, so many kids today never see the light of day.
Love the comments, thank you all.
Ralph, you might be joining us sooner than you think if I can get him away from Mom and Dad this summer and fall.