The NEXT 48x12 Finisher!

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2005
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The Hinterlands of North Central MA
My friend Eric Rathbun is not a member here but he is certainly someone many of us know either directly or indirectly. Eric helps the founders manage two websites --

Eric is finishing the GRID this saturday!! He asked me to post this link containing information here, for those who have expressed interest on other threads regarding cryptic references to an upcoming Grid finish.

A big congrats in advance to Eric, and thanks for all the work you do behind the scenes to inform and acknowledge those of us who are working on these lofty, silly, obsessive compulsive and often misunderstood goals!
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Hearty congrats to Eric, a few days early!!
May you have a Class 1 weather day. :)

Sue, #3
A huge congrats in advance, Eric! It has been a pleasure to join you (and Madison) on many memorable hikes over the past two years. I still marvel at some of the amazingly long and impressive days in the mountains that you've pulled off in pursuit of this goal. You are a true inspiration!

I look forward to being there to support you during your finish on Saturday.
Way to go Eric! Hope you have a fabulous finish! So, what's next? Maybe my foot will make miraculous recovery by the weekend so I can join you.

Best wishes for Eric's finish. His description of the "bottleneck" on Osceola reminds me of the Hillary Step on Everest, but always good to be cautious. Maybe someone can set up some fixed ropes on the step, and also the top of the gully on East Osceola if it is icy? Seriously, I am thinking about Madison here. But, long-range forecast seems to call for mild temperatures on Saturday. :)
The quiet one with a big smile ~
Way to go Eric!

It's been fun to watch him transform into a very strong hiker.
Initially being pooped after a 20 miler, to cranking out what
some might refer to as 3 seperate hikes all in one day.

Probably the only thing missing from him completing the US high points
in the next 2 years would be an airplane to get him from & back to Maine ;)
Congratulations Eric! It was a fun day to be out and share the trail with everyone. Glad I didn't have to work and the weather treated us all to a beautiful day. Thor & I enjoyed seeing everyone and a special thanks to whomever left dog bones at Livermore Trailhead!;)

Here are a few pics from the day:
That's such a great link, Becca, thanks for posting that. I could read it again and again. What a special day for Eric, all of his friends who shared his happiness as well as our collective love of the mountains and chasing lists. :)

Sunday, Eric, TimC and I hiked Monroe-Washington-Jefferson. Eric is SUCH a low key, under the radar kind of guy. Humble to the core. Well, it was very funny when person after person (who none of us even knew) said to Eric "Hey! Are you ERIC?? Congratulations!". Everyone mentioned Guess you never know who's out there on the internet reading your blogs! Very nice to spend another day in the mountains with Eric. Good job, my friend! :D
Comrade Eric: "Great Russian Hiking Team" is wishing you many congratulations on great success of climbing all 48 4Kers in all months of the year!! I remember you accompanying us on the Mt. Washington and Monroe hike of February 2007, and your most excellent report of same on the "Eric Explores" website. You were easily one of the strongest climbers that day, but took the time to get everyone's picture, name, etc., which was very kind and thoughtful of you. I remember that I could only tag Monroe that day, and it wasn't til two years later that I got the Big Rockpile in Winter. I'm also thinking about how much trouble that damned ol' Owls Head gave me in winter, the winds on Madison and Bondcliff, and a lot of other hikes where conditions were tough, winter or not. I'm sure it was a tremendous challenge to nail these summits in each calendar month.....Many congrats to you again, and all best wishes!! Nostrovia!!