6-4-11 Monroe and Eisenhower via Ammo Ravine, Crawford Path, Edmands Path


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Saturday June 4th, 2011

Monroe and Eisenhower via Ammonoosuc Ravine, Monroe Loop, Crawford Path, Eisenhower Loop, and Edmands Path.

Trail conditions: There were muddy patches lower down on Ammo Ravine, and some wet rocks that required caution higher up. Crawford Path and the Loop trails were in great shape, dry, and easy going. Muddy and wet patches on Edmands on the hike down.

Bugs were a minor nuisance on Ammo Ravine, and became a major annoyance near Eisenhower and on Edmands. 3 of the 4 of us got bites. We should have more aggressively used bug spray.

Beautiful weather, a great day for above treeline hiking.

Special Equipment: Sunscreen and Bug Spray

tcarlile at gmail

Pictures and report at: http://peakpursuits.blogspot.com/2011/06/mount-monroe-and-mount-eisenhower-4.html