USGS Topo maps

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May 27, 2009
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Tunbridge, Vermont
There used to be a paper print "index" of all the 7.5 topo maps that you could get for free from USGS. This was a "map of maps" showing adjacent 7.5's for an entire state. I'm now using their online maps, but really need to find that index. Anyone seen it?
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Kinda sorta. I've been using map locator to save individual maps, but I can't print/save the quad map other than do a print screen: yuck.
There used to be a paper print "index" of all the 7.5 topo maps that you could get for free from USGS. This was a "map of maps" showing adjacent 7.5's for an entire state. I'm now using their online maps, but really need to find that index. Anyone seen it?
Will this work for you?
Back in the day, I used to get the index maps for free (for any state) via snail mail by writing to the USGS.
Not sure if they still do but it is always nice to have a hard copy on hand (also, my Uncle works for USPS :D)
Back in the day, I used to get the index maps for free (for any state) via snail mail by writing to the USGS.
Not sure if they still do but it is always nice to have a hard copy on hand (also, my Uncle works for USPS :D)
And I believe they were 2 or 3 bucks a piece. And local outfitters had drawers full of them. Ah, the old daze. But the mountains will be here, before we came and after we leave.

Yepper, that's exactly what I did in prehistoric days. I still have loads of paper topos and roadmaps I always know exactly where I am going and easily can plot a better route. GPS navigation is a crutch. But I won't go there, at least not for now! :p

I also walked to school, uphill, both ways :)
I thought that I may be the only one with boxes of old (road) maps. My wife hates them.