Lower Wolfjaw via the new Benny's Brook Slide, May 26


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Took the path to John's Brook Lodge, crossing at the Interior Outpost before doubling back on the South Side trail. The trail to JBL was in great condition, the small amount we did on the South Side trail was frequently muddy and wet. This was the first time we had been on this slide. About 20% was consolidated mud with rocks (debris), the rest was mostly nice, clean rock. Impressive to see the results of Irene's wrath. We took the trail back to JBL, which was wet and muddy in some places on the steep bit, but fine for the rest. No bugs today!! Full sunshine. Lovely.

For those of you wanting to do the slide, there's a very steep part at the top that can be avoided on the left, by going up and left, following the start of a new herd path, for all of about 1 minute, before hitting the trail, and continuing 5-10 (steep) minutes to the summit.
