Move to NH

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Jan 15, 2005
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Thornton NH
This is a bit off topic but i think the regular visitors of this site could provide great information. My wife and I are in the early phase of relocating to NH. We love the Franconia area along the Easton Valley. We Both love skiing, mountain biking, hiking etc. I have been hiking thru the White Mtns for over 40 year. I have posted trip reports in the past. At this stage of our lives it is pretty much a no brainier decision to live in a place here we have access to what we love.
Here is our dilemma. We both work from home and require broadband Internet service similar to the Comcast service we have in SE MA. DSL does not cut it. We have found the service to be lacking in some of the smaller towns such as Franconia. I would be interested in feedback from residents of towns close to the WMNF and the availability of broadband Internet. Thanks for any feedback. Much appreciated.

Wow, that map is truly awful. I know what I'd be looking for and can't find it.

I recently bought a place in Sugar Hill. The Realtor *and* the prior owner assured me that high-speed internet was impossible -- no cable, no DSL. But as I was searching around for dish providers, I noticed a box on the side of the house with a fat coax leading into it....labeled "Grassroots Cable TV". The phone # on said box connected me with a phone-sex line, but back home a Google search revealed that Grassroots had been bought by Time Warner in 1996.

Once I was able to convince Time Warner that I in fact, existed ( I don't have a USPS street delivery address), all they had to do was come out and turn on the tap at the street. Go figure. It took waaaaayy longer than it should have, but it appears that, unknown to Time Warner, Rt 117 from Franconia is wired up into Sugar Hill. I have no idea how far it goes, or if it gets over toward the Easton Valley.

SOME parts of this area are serviced by a terrestrial wireless broadband service (Wireless LINC/, but I was just outside the zone, so was lucky to notice the "grassroots" box.
Montana: Congrats. In Bethlehem we have Time Warner Cable. We can also see the cell tower on Mt Agassiz (Agg-a-See), but I don't know how fast a 4g type service from that might be. Call Time Warner.
Also: Before buying: Different towns right next to each other have wildly disparate property taxes vs ease of major highway access, shopping etc., so factor that into your buying decision.