Bonds, Zealand, Guyot, Bears, Lots of Campers 8-12-13

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A Sunday / Monday Bond traverse turned into a Zealand - Bond and back 2-day trip with the Lincoln Woods Trail closed on weekdays. We went in from the Zealand Road trailhead, past the hut, past Zeacliff, Zealand, and Guyot to Guyot Tentsite. There were 78 people (!) staying at Guyot on Saturday night, but none when we arrived Sunday at 4pm, and only a handfull besides our group Sunday night. Seems that the closure of Lincoln Woods had concentrated the traffic onto the weekend. Trails were all in excellent condition.

Part of our group came in from 13 Falls Tentsite Saturday night, where they were menaced by a very bold bear much of the night. The tentsite was full, and many people chased the bear away repeatedly by yelling, banging pots, and throwing rocks, but it still made off with some people's food (which had been hanging in a tree since the bear box was full), despite there being several dogs among the campers. No harm done, though, other than one ripped tent fly. The bear was reported to have been making a circuit between Guyot, Liberty Spring, and 13 Falls tentsites, but we didn't see it at Guyot.