Effects of acid rain reversing faster than expected


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:D Good news, and also funny...
:D Good news, and also funny...

Funny, for sure. The OP article states:

• Scientists were completely off-base with predictions of the duration of effects from acid rain. We're now on track for a full recovery.

• Much of the acidity is organic -- i.e. caused by forests. Oops.

Well if the Mob Scene is getting worse in the Mountains at least the views are getting better. A bit more info. http://www.outdoors.org/conservation/issues/clean-air-work.cfm

This AMC tract makes some very dubious statements. They first appeal to our duty to reduce our "carbon footprints." OK. Let's see…Estimated global temp reduction (the goal of carbon footprint reduction) from implementation of the Clean Power Plan is a staggering .018 degrees celsius by 2100. Basically undetectable.

Then, after taking credit for awesome improvements in air and water quality, they claim that much more costly regulations are urgently needed! Time is of the essence! It's going to create jobs, too!

They claim their plan will lower electric bills. --Guffaw-- This is all about driving down coal usage, driving up electric prices, thereby making wind and solar power more palatable.

Kudos for the reduction in sulphur dioxide. That's great…but Enough Protection Already!