TY Gagne's new book is out (Spoiler Alert!)


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Nov 13, 2004
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New hampshire
TY Gagne author of "Where you'll find me" ( the Kate Matrosova rescue attempt) has released a new book called "The Last Traverse", tragedy and resilience in the winter Whites. Pretty sure, it's based on a rescue on Franconia Ridge in 2008. I for one am looking forward to it, I found his first book, very well done.
TY Gagne author of "Where you'll find me" ( the Kate Matrosova rescue attempt) has released a new book called "The Last Traverse", tragedy and resilience in the winter Whites. Pretty sure, it's based on a rescue on Franconia Ridge in 2008. I for one am looking forward to it, I found his first book, very well done.

I thought the Mastrova book was awesome. If this one is anything like the last one it will be well worth the read.
And finished it. I'm pretty sure I met Fred Fredrickson back when I was dating a crazy nurse in the 2007 time frame. Her father worked for Concord Trailways as a driver, too. "Everybody knows Fred" she said once when we got on the bus to ride to Boston. Didn't recognize him in his pictures until his memorial picture with his glasses on.

Its as good as "Where you'll find me".

There is a very good reason I avoid going above treeline when its windy. The cold I can handle, the wind, not so much.
Agree with egilbe. Another excellent book. Read it in two sessions just like the last one. Highly recommend his books if you have yet to read them.
One of the things that made the Matrosova book so good, IMO, is that she had such a compelling personality. Having said that, I did order Gagne’s follow-up after I saw sierra’s post. Looking forward to reading it. Always lessons to be learned from these kinds of books.
This one reads a little differently. _Where you'll find me_ had aspects of a mystery -- there were unknown details, and there was the central theme of "what drove her so hard?". _The Last Traverse_ is more concrete, following the hike and the rescue effort practically minute by minute. That may not sound like it should be too suspenseful, but I actually found it even more gripping.
This one reads a little differently. _Where you'll find me_ had aspects of a mystery -- there were unknown details, and there was the central theme of "what drove her so hard?". _The Last Traverse_ is more concrete, following the hike and the rescue effort practically minute by minute. That may not sound like it should be too suspenseful, but I actually found it even more gripping.

I totally agree with that. I think that is probably the result of one of the hikers surviving and being able to fill in many of the details we were only able to guess at with Kate. I don't know if it was just me too but there were what seemed to me to be some pretty epic blunders by the SAR teams that went out onto Little Haystack from a navigational point of view. Anyone else question some of the things done from a procedural point of view, not so much judgements made?
Easy on the spoilers, folks :) Some of us might be getting this for a holiday gift ;)


Sorry. I don't know that there can be "spoilers" to a book like this with such a well documented rescue but that is why I held off on the specifics of my questions. But now that it's out there, on Page 119 the most unbelievable thing happens.... (KIDDING)
One of the heroes, or central figures, in Kate's story becomes a victim in this story. We all make mistakes when we are younger. We call them learning experiences when we are older.

I keep wanting to turn the heat up in the house thinking about these two books.
I know it was well-documented. Ty contacted me for follow-up information from member's posts on vftt.org. Doesn't mean I remember all the details and wouldn't mind reading it in that manner ;)

Where are you folks buying this book?

It’s out of stock on Amazon, not listed on Mountain Wanderer, and unknown on Barnes and Noble.
Where are you folks buying this book?

It’s out of stock on Amazon, not listed on Mountain Wanderer, and unknown on Barnes and Noble.

I got my copy on Amazon but I ordered the day it came out thanks to Sierra's post. It indicated a one month lead time but it wound up shipping in about a week. IIRC his last book didn't have a lot of copies initially either and I had to wait a bit to get that one.
It’s out of stock on Amazon, not listed on Mountain Wanderer, and unknown on Barnes and Noble.
Steve said he'll list it once he has them in stock; there were definitely printing delays.
Just finished a virtual Zoom with Gibson Books and the author Ty Gagne and his new book The Last Traverse. I am looking forward to reading the Last Traverse, just finishing, "Where You'll Find Me"
