Oldest Graffiti at Doublehead Cabin


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May 26, 2015
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Brattleboro, Vermont
My wife and I stayed at Doublehead Cabin. We found a great way to occupy ourselves once the hiking was over. We had a contest to see who could find the oldest graffiti in the nearly 90 year old building. We scoured every surface we could....1977, 1975, various 1960s..........and then we found 1957. I thought I might have found one that said 1953, but I could not for certain identify the 5, so that one remains inconclusive.
1957 ended up being the conclusive winner for oldest graffiti found in the Doublehead cabin, unless anyone has ever identified something older???? This cabin has so much history; it was really cool to stay there and then ski down in the morning.

Very cool. I haven't been there for at least a decade, but the Mountain Pond shelter east of Jackson in the WMNF was still nearly original when my wife & I last visited. We spent quite a bit of time trying to find the oldest graffiti on the interior, and I seem to remember seeing some from the 1930's, I thought we did a blog but it looks like not, so sorry no images found.
I was struck as a recreational manager at the time at how what could be seen as undesirable behavior eventually turns the corner to being a historical treasure. A name and date ain't so bad I guess, as I have scrubbed a lot worse from many other locations!
It was a fun game scouring the cabin trying to find the oldest graffiti. 1930s at the Mountain Pond Shelter is super old. Wow!
At the top of Kaaterskill Falls in the Catskills there is some extremely old graffiti carved into the rock up there.