Logs on Crawford Path


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Sep 4, 2003
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Anybody know why there is a stack of logs on the Crawford Path near the top of Mt Franklin? There was also a bag of rocks next to it. New signposts?

Water bars? They look more substantial than the sign post pictured next to the pile.

Yeah, possibly. They really are too big for signposts. It just seemed strange because the trail is just like a highway in that area and there was absolutely no standing water or signs of runoff even after all that rain this past weekend.
All those logs have a flat side which suggested to me that they might turn into bog bridges. While it may have been dry recently, it was quite wet on 4/10 and again on 5/19. Note I don't recall that the stretch around Franklin was wet, per se, but I do know that Monroe -> Eisenhower was definitely wet, and definitely people have skirted the wet spots, leaving a trace in the alpine zone.

The flattened sections of the logs say bog bridges to me. Since they can't be brought into Wilderness via chopper, I wonder if they are staged there to bring down the Mt. Ike trail into the Dry River Wilderness. If that's something like the last open area south of Franklin, that would be more evidence of the direction they're going.

The bag of rocks had me stumped though (can't find rocks in Dry River???) until I realized it may be for something utterly different - scree walls on the ridge, except looks like plenty of rocks available there, so I will claim cluelessness. If the two are related I claim Ultra Cluelessness.
I think Tim is closer to it than I. :) The rocks would make sense in an alpine zone as you'd want something fairly uniform for supports without searching all over the alpine zone for them.