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  • Thanks for the green square...and, we're looking forward to hanging out at the Common Man on Friday.
    Yes -- the winds were something yesterday; in hindsight, I rather enjoyed the challenge. And they weren't really all that cold...at one point, near Thunderstorm Junction, they felt almost refreshing, given how warm the sun was.
    Thank you, Jeremy -- your TR was extremely helpful for our hike. Thanks for the green square. Oh -- it was funny, but as we were hiking up Adams I was telling my wife "hey, you know that guy Jeremy? He's been up here a bazillion times in the past week..."
    It lasts a week or so with the usual early birds and stragglers. Are you referring to the Bald Peak blooms (I haven't been there yet) or elsewhere? Still profuse at Pawtuckaway in one place and should last into the weekend. Email me in you need more info.
    Thanks for the green. Hepatica should start showing up on Bald Knob next week.
    I dont' think it will take any arm twisting to get me and MJ up there for the Baldfaces. When are you thinking?
    Thanks! BTW, I don't think there are rattler dens in the Hudson Highlands, but there are many in Harriman State Park, Schenemunk, and the East Hudson/CT border ridges.
    I was just wondering how you managed to hike almost every day. Do you do most of your database work in the evening?
    I'm going to try to twist MJ's arm that we should ski Wildcat Sunday April 5. He's going to a bday party saturday night, so he may be difficult to sway. :)
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