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  1. BirchBB

    Bad hiking gear purchase.

    I've read about every one's favorite piece of hiking gear, the piece of gear they've had the longest, where everyone buys their gear, etc... But what piece of hiking gear you purchased ended up being a disappointment? A piece of junk? It would be neat to learn what piece of equipment turned...
  2. BirchBB

    Gothics/Armstrong trail conditions?

    Has anyone been up the Beaver Meadow Falls Trail to Gothics & Armstrong recently? Trail conditions, snow depth, etc...??? We're planning to possibly hike these (and maybe also Upper WJ) this Saturday. Thanks.
  3. BirchBB

    Extended life expectancy???

    My hiking partners and I usually comment after a long hike that "we just added x number of days to our life expectancy" by completing this hike. Great physical exercise, cleansing of the soul by being outdoors in a wilderness setting, and one of the best get-a-ways from all the stress factors...