Carter Notch Road / Wildcat River Trail

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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Was thinking about doing Carter Dome via Wildcat River Trail / Rainbow Trail / Bog Brook Trail either as a loop or an out and back on Rainbow tomorrow and was trying to determine the status of Carter Notch Road and the parking situation for trail head. I see nothing on TrailsNH indicating a problem but it doesn't appear to be a very popular area so lack of information may not mean all is well. No idea how last year's storms affected this area. There is also a note in the 29th edition of AMC Guide indicating a trail head relocation (sounded minor but wasn't sure if this was related to road damage or logistics).

So I'm hoping to get some info on road and parking status and any other information that may be of benefit. Trailheads in this area are pushing a 4 hour drive for me so I don't want to lose valuable time with road finding shenanigans or parking problems. Thanks in advance for any info.
Was thinking about doing Carter Dome via Wildcat River Trail / Rainbow Trail / Bog Brook Trail either as a loop or an out and back on Rainbow tomorrow and was trying to determine the status of Carter Notch Road and the parking situation for trail head. I see nothing on TrailsNH indicating a problem but it doesn't appear to be a very popular area so lack of information may not mean all is well. No idea how last year's storms affected this area. There is also a note in the 29th edition of AMC Guide indicating a trail head relocation (sounded minor but wasn't sure if this was related to road damage or logistics).

So I'm hoping to get some info on road and parking status and any other information that may be of benefit. Trailheads in this area are pushing a 4 hour drive for me so I don't want to lose valuable time with road finding shenanigans or parking problems. Thanks in advance for any info.

They closed the last but if the Big Brook and Wildcat River Trailsndue to lack of use and needless crossings (with oddly slick rocks!). The they now end at the Forest Road. There is a parking lot at the gate that I doubt ever fills up. You can follow the FR and loop from there. I would recommend clockwise to water up at the hut and doing the steepest parts on the ascent. Be warned, the lower section of Rainbow goes through a beautiful birch glade that has tons of raspberries, so be on the lookout for for animals and prickers. Last I saw, Wildcat River Trail was in better shape than Bog Brook (might get wet feet on Bog Brook Trail). It's a great loop, especially in the fall!
I would suggest staying away from the area on Sunday, The heavy rain and winds may have raised havoc on the back roads in the area. I would stick to trails from major roads until the amount of damage is known.
I would suggest staying away from the area on Sunday, The heavy rain and winds may have raised havoc on the back roads in the area. I would stick to trails from major roads until the amount of damage is known.

Was the weather that bad up there? Looked like just rain and the river gauges aren't really showing anything crazy. But if that is the case I'll try something else. Too long of a ride for me to run into problems. Thanks.
They closed the last but if the Big Brook and Wildcat River Trailsndue to lack of use and needless crossings (with oddly slick rocks!). The they now end at the Forest Road. There is a parking lot at the gate that I doubt ever fills up. You can follow the FR and loop from there. I would recommend clockwise to water up at the hut and doing the steepest parts on the ascent. Be warned, the lower section of Rainbow goes through a beautiful birch glade that has tons of raspberries, so be on the lookout for for animals and prickers. Last I saw, Wildcat River Trail was in better shape than Bog Brook (might get wet feet on Bog Brook Trail). It's a great loop, especially in the fall!

I've had that Rainbow Trail on my to do list for a few years now since I saw some photos of the area from JustJoe. Looks very cool. Maybe I'll hold off until the Fall.
The heavy rain started later and ended later in the whites. It just stopped, it usually takes a while for the gauges to catch up. No thunder and lightning but enough downpours to screw up gravel roads. I wouldn't skip hiking tomorrow but would pick one more readily accessible.
The heavy rain started later and ended later in the whites. It just stopped, it usually takes a while for the gauges to catch up. No thunder and lightning but enough downpours to screw up gravel roads. I wouldn't skip hiking tomorrow but would pick one more readily accessible.

Yes the gauges are really starting to spike now but I expect they'll recede quite a bit by tomorrow. I'm definitely still going up I'm just struggling to come up with a hike that interests me. Usually not a good sign when the alarm goes off at 2 AM and I don't have a plan. Tend to turn it off, go back to bed and then spend the rest of the day regretting that decision. Had this one on the brain most of the week.
I was out and about this afternoon in Conway and didnt see any trees down. Rivers and streams were high but within the banks. Probably worth trying your original destination
I wound up going. Carter Notch Rd was fine, new parking area was very straightforward, no issues. Water was a bit high but nothing dangerous. I wore trail runners and pretty much planned on getting wet and muddy given the trail descriptions. Did Boggy Brook, Wild River and Rainbow out and back. The 3 crossings before the split with Wildcat River Trail were impossible to do AM without wet feet but I never was more than just over my ankle bone on the rocks. The 5 crossings after the split were borderline for dry feet AM but in the afternoon water had receded and they were fine. The original 3 were still a little tricky heading out but had gotten much easier. I expect by tomorrow they'll be a non issue.

Really enjoyed the hike. Lot of variety, different terrain, views through the trees, some cool wetland areas and of course the expansive birch glades. Was quiet too. Didn't hear a single car, motorcycle or plane all day. Glad I stayed with the original plan.
The views were a little hazy and some clouds hid the Presidentials but I did like the South summit. That was my goal for the hike actually. I was hoping it would have had a bit more exposure to see more down into the valleys but overall was cool. I really enjoyed the forest along the way too, even down low on Boggy Brook. It really makes me want to venture out into the Wild River Wilderness more now. If that area is at all like the West edges I traveled through yesterday there must be a lot of nice hiking in there.
Fall is a good time to get out there with the lower water levels. A nice dayhike from the CG that avoids crossing the river is up Basin and down Black Angel. Beautiful woods walk.

That "mini south summit" is Rainbow Ridge.
I am planning a leisurely Autumn backpacking loop of Rainbow & Black Angel. Would you recommend the Bog Brook TH for the lollipop loop or the East Branch TH? The two loops look to be comparable in terms of mileage and elevation gain.
Great hiking but with the Moriah Brook bridge removed, hard to day hike.

Yah I've plotted out several day hike options and it would be hard, especially with my drive. I think I might go up there this weekend and go out SAT AM from Wild River TH and do some sort of overnight loop or out and back to a summit. Are the river fords dangerous at this time of year or is it just a question of it being impossible to not get wet (under normal conditions - obviously weather can be a wildcard)? The rivers I crossed were harmless but I got wet feet. I don't wind wading through water as long as I don't get into a situation where I'm coming back on a loop and hit an impassable crossing. Never seen these rivers so not sure what would be comparable, i.e. like Eats Branch Pemi, West Branch Peabody, Little River, etc.
The Wild River is similar to the East Branch of the Pemi but the flows vary more significantly after a rain. The farther up the river you get the better. There is always the high water route on the west side of the river that connects up with the remaining bridge adjacent to RT 113 but it adds a lot of miles. Moriah Brook trail is best done when dry.
OK. That gives me a good benchmark. I wasn't going to do Moriah Brook Trail because I thought I had read on SectionHiker blog or somewhere that the trail was in kind of rough shape (blowdowns, mud, badly needs brushing,etc). Was thinking of either going all the way out to Mt Hight via Black Angel Trail or doing a loop up Wild River and then back over Eagle Crag/Mt Meader/etc. Have to wait and see on the weather.

Can you recommend trails that are similar to Boggy Brook Trail in terms of the forest composition, vegetation, etc in the Wild River Wilderness? Is the forest very similar through the valley or does it vary? I obviously traveled only the far West portion of the Wild River Trail but really enjoyed that area.