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May 16, 2023
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Andover, MA
I have been “lurking in the background” and following this website for more than 15 years. I would have joined years ago but did not know anyone in the group personally. I have learned a lot from this group over the years and picked up some excellent tips. I hope that I can provide some value.

I live in Massachusetts's Merrimack Valley, and have been hiking in the Whites for 25 years. I’ve got only two of the NH48 to go (Isolation and Owls Head) and am about halfway through the 52WAV list. I am also a pretty avid runner, and run a lot of road races. I recently completed a bucket list goal of running the equivalent of once around planet Earth (24,901 miles).

When I started hiking in the late 90s, Dave Metzky’s Hike the White’s website was the best available resource besides the WM guide book. I used to thoroughly study those trip reports during my early hiking days. In recent years, I’ve become a big fan of Rhody Seth’s videos – they are very professional, informative, and entertaining. You both have been inspirations to me.
I have been “lurking in the background” and following this website for more than 15 years. I would have joined years ago but did not know anyone in the group personally. I have learned a lot from this group over the years and picked up some excellent tips. I hope that I can provide some value.

I live in Massachusetts's Merrimack Valley, and have been hiking in the Whites for 25 years. I’ve got only two of the NH48 to go (Isolation and Owls Head) and am about halfway through the 52WAV list. I am also a pretty avid runner, and run a lot of road races. I recently completed a bucket list goal of running the equivalent of once around planet Earth (24,901 miles).

When I started hiking in the late 90s, Dave Metzky’s Hike the White’s website was the best available resource besides the WM guide book. I used to thoroughly study those trip reports during my early hiking days. In recent years, I’ve become a big fan of Rhody Seth’s videos – they are very professional, informative, and entertaining. You both have been inspirations to me.
Great job, great aspirations ! Welcome !