Let's be careful out there this week.


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When I drove north through Franconia Notch on Wednesday afternoon, there was a sudden rain storm, in contrast to the hot and humid conditions to the south - nothing unusual about rain in the mountains. What caught me by surprise was a very large bolt of lightning, come down toward the ridge, probably in the vicinity of Mt Liberty or Flume. I was just north of Lincoln and this was ahead of me. I wouldn't want to be up on any exposed ridge in a lightning storm.
I recall that...because we had just got below treeline down Falling Waters when the storm hit. We had been watching it over our shoulder on the Ridge with more than a little concern. Felt better once we got into the trees but there were a couple of bolts that rattled us. Doing that hike on Wednesday was not my brightest idea.....
Heat and hiking might not mix this week.

Here's a story from Greece....
Thanks for sharing this news, @NHChris. This definitely makes us think twice about travel dates in Europe. Portugal has been on our radar for a potential getaway next year. After looking at weather trends, September/October seemed promising with milder temperatures and avoiding summer crowds. Porto, for example, averages highs around 19°C which seems very comfortable for exploring on foot from according to this https://gowithguide.com/blog/touris...-2024-an-in-depth-look-at-portos-numbers-5746

I also came across this article https://www.severe-weather.eu/global-weather/historic-heatwave-heat-dome-september-2024-europe-mk/ about a significant heatwave in September 2024.