Umbagog hiking

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Apr 29, 2005
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Canterbury, NH

We'll be getting away for a couple of days next week, most likely to Lake Umbagog. I've paddled there before but are there any hiking trails on either side of the lake? Even railroad grades or forest roads would be of interest.

there is a portage trail along Rapid River which flows into Umbagog.
I haven't hiked it, but it's full of history and is the area that is the focus of the book "We Took to the Woods" by Louise Dickinson Rich cica 1940 or late 30"s
That might be of interest to you if you want to stretch your legs.
Good Luck!
If you get the DeLorme Atlas there are lots of woods roads in the area, but logging rules keep them well away from the lake shore

Walking the Carry Road along the Rapid is a good a nice hike. You can paddle to Cedar Stump camp site shown on this map:
then walk upriver. If you plan to fish, remember a Maine license is required and special regulations are in effect. If you plan to do this hike, you might find it interesting to read We Took to the Woods by Louise Dickinson Rich.

A 30 minute car ride north from Umbagog is Mount Aziscoos (Aziscohos). It's in the AMC book and a nice day hike. Fabulous views of the entire chain of Rangeley Lakes on a clear day. There are two trails to the summit. The Tower Man's Trail describe here:
can be difficult to follow at times. The other trailhead is a few miles further east and typically marked by a large "A" nailed to a telephone pole at a gravel parking area.

Vermonster said:
A 30 minute car ride north from Umbagog is Mount Aziscoos (Aziscohos). It's in the AMC book and a nice day hike. Fabulous views of the entire chain of Rangeley Lakes on a clear day. There are two trails to the summit. The Tower Man's Trail describe here:
can be difficult to follow at times. The other trailhead is a few miles further east and typically marked by a large "A" nailed to a telephone pole at a gravel parking area.


I agree that Aziscohos is a fine choice and the views are killer. The Tower Man's Trail is more commonly known as the Firewarden's Trail. I took it as recently as last year. It was not maintained much, but was passable. Also had to walk through some waist high grass in one spot. The other trail (North Trail) is regularly maintained, blazed and easy to follow, although it is sometimes quite muddy at the bottom. There is a sign for the trail on route 16. The "A" nailed to the telephone pole is just west of the trailhead. You also have enough of a shoulder on to park on the highway.

You can also combine the two trails into a nice loop with a bit of a road walk on route 16.

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thanks for all the help guys. I figured there had to be some hiking opportunities there. That "A" trail looks like it's going to make the cut. Here's to a couple of good days at Umbagog!!

Marty, this is the second trip you've given me help on (Joshua Tree), I'm gonna have to hire you as my travel agent!

Aziscohos? I'll have to try it next time I"m up that way.

If you're looking for a hike/stroll that doesn't involve your car, it might be worth looking for maps of area snowmobile trails. I believe there are several that exit right onto the Lake - you could drive to the trail head in your canoe.