VFTT group hike?


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
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New hampshire
I was wondering if any of the members on here would be interested in a group hike? It would be cool to meet people we converse with and with the experience level of the members, it could make for some great trail talk. The location and hike could be hashed over and maybe a consensus would work out. A 4k, a 52wav, something else?
Back in the day, there were “gatherings” of VftT folks on weekends, with a group site at Barnes Field near Dolly Copp campground on the west side of Rte 16 south of Gorham a regular venue. Lots of daytime activities included hikes followed by supper and libations around a campfire during the evenings. Peakbagger was a regular for the Barnes Field gatherings and usually provided an abundance of legal firewood.
Back in the day, there were “gatherings” of VftT folks on weekends, with a group site at Barnes Field near Dolly Copp campground on the west side of Rte 16 south of Gorham a regular venue. Lots of daytime activities included hikes followed by supper and libations around a campfire during the evenings. Peakbagger was a regular for the Barnes Field gatherings and usually provided an abundance of legal firewood.
Alot of comradery in those days. There was a common bond among members with the financial support of VFTT through joint fund raising which centered around socializing. IMO that did a lot to keep the tone appropriate and way less political. In other words, it was about hiking and having a good time.
Back in the day, there were “gatherings” of VftT folks on weekends, with a group site at Barnes Field near Dolly Copp campground on the west side of Rte 16 south of Gorham a regular venue.

This is quite interesting. Dr. (and others), please share more details such as:

1. just how far back in the day?
2. about how often a year?
3. ever in winter?
4. what was the range of the turnout?
5, how many days in a row usually?

If anyone can dredge up some pictures of one or more of these, please do.
I got a msg today from a friend reminding me that 20 years ago today my Newfie Brutus and I started a goal of doing the NH 4's in Winter by climbing Mt Cabot with my friend Al Dwyer, and it was -18F in Twin Mtn. I never participated in the VFTT hikes, but if IRRC they had started arranging those hikes by then.
This is quite interesting. Dr. (and others), please share more details such as:

1. just how far back in the day?
2. about how often a year?
3. ever in winter?
4. what was the range of the turnout?
5, how many days in a row usually?

If anyone can dredge up some pictures of one or more of these, please do.
It has been probably over a decade since I attended a VftT gathering at Barnes Field, which fits with Kevin Rooney’s recollections. BTW, for newcomer winter NH4 hikers here, the Brutus Bushwhack alternative to the slide on Owls Head is named for Kevin’s Newfie, who was not into climbing steep slides in winter, or probably any season.

If Peakbagger were still here, he would recommend finding old VftT gathering threads by using google and not the search device on this site. Most of the threads are still in the VftT archives, I think.

In an attempt to other four questions, I would guess that the VftT gatherings at Barnes occurred a couple times per year on average, including winter, with up to 40 or more in attendance, some folks staying for a couple nights of campfires.
I would love to look forward to a summer hike. Trying to get my subchrondral fractures in my knees fixed.
I got a msg today from a friend reminding me that 20 years ago today my Newfie Brutus and I started a goal of doing the NH 4's in Winter by climbing Mt Cabot with my friend Al Dwyer, and it was -18F in Twin Mtn. I never participated in the VFTT hikes, but if IRRC they had started arranging those hikes by then.
I believe that we crossed paths that day. I was with MEB, DrWu and a couple of others I can't remember the names of. All I can remember that it was well below zero when we left the trailhead. I know that DrWu monitors this occasionally. Who else was there DrWu?
I believe that we crossed paths that day. I was with MEB, DrWu and a couple of others I can't remember the names of. All I can remember that it was well below zero when we left the trailhead. I know that DrWu monitors this occasionally. Who else was there DrWu?
That's entirely possible. My hiking log says 12/21/04.
That's entirely possible. My hiking log says 12/21/04.
There was at least 1winter gathering at Barnes field. It went from warm and rainy to freezing and snowing. Everyone had a hard time getting their tent stakes out of the ground. Sherpak even had stickers made for the occasion. I’m sure I have one somewhere. I did my first NH peak that weekend; Moriah.

Also back in the day, alligator eggs was used as a greeting on the trail to identify other VFTT members
I'm always interested in meeting up with more experienced hikers and learning new things, so this sounds like a good idea.
I'm always interested in meeting up with more experienced hikers and learning new things, so this sounds like a good idea.
The idea doesn't seem to be popular here, but if you want to join me and my dog on a hike, I would be glad to go over anything you want to know in regard to hiking. We primarily hike the 52wav peaks. pm me here.

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