Barnes Field - Huge Group Memorial Day weekend

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Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH
FYI, there is huge Meetup group (120 plus) that is going to try to fit into two campsites at Barnes Field this upcoming holiday weekend.

Me thinks the local bears will eat well ;)

No need to comment on what the site rules are, they are in theory grown ups and can figure it out themselves.
Thanks for the head's up.

They'll be tents on Pinkham B Road! :eek: Drive slowly...
I guess I do have to defend Meetup against the "most" assertion. Meetup is framework for predominately beginning and intermediate hikers to get together and each meetup group and leader is in charge of their intended activities. Many of the groups start out inadvertently not following the "rules" as they are learning them as they go. Pick on them as we may, they are getting "new blood" out in the woods, which unfortunately is really needed these days as if the trails arent used, its a rational for the USFS to shut them down.

VFTT used to be a way of new hikers to get out in the woods, but with the shift to Facebook for hike planning of many individuals, the number of open trips and events posted on VFTT are slim to none with the exception of Big Earl's more advanced hikes. So what is new person to the area that is interested in getting out hiking at an entry level to do? AMC is a front end financial commitment and tends to be intimidating to people who are just considering getting into hiking as it neccessarilly has to have a lot of rules which feel restrictive to a new hiker until they have gained some experience. The net result is that Meetup groups have stepped in to fill the void for entry level hikers not currently filled by other groups. I participate in meetup events on occasion and generally try to educate them rather than pick up them as ultimately some of those folks may end up being long term hikers.

Several of the meetup groups have initially started out in major ignorance of the "rules" but seem to be attempting to respect them as they learn them. Some groups are hopeless and I just avoid the large hikes. I generally would take an oversized meetup group over a bus load of canadians/school groups/church groups anytime as the meetup groups tend to have some clue. .
Meetup hikers

I should like to second Peakbagger's remarks. I have hiked with a few Meetup groups, and their leaders and members were all there to have a good time, plus they listen when someone offers them friendly advice in a kind and caring manner. The other types P. mentions are more often sufficiently inexperienced and still self-centered that they don't want to be interrupted in their conversation (focused on anywhere but where they are) at all, much less show any respect for the land or what the weather can do to them. These are only tendencies I have noticed, not cast-iron laws of behavior. Who knows, some may have their minds more open than they appear to be at the time...
I'm trying to avoid threadjacking the OP about Barnes Field.
Would anyone care to start a separte thead on Meet up grounds in General Backcountry?

Good point about the lack of hiking trip invitations on the Board. We're experiencing the same thing as other forums. The social networks are habit forming and people are posting trips, trip reports and photos on FB and often avoiding the the hiking forums. I often put up photos and a quick TR on Facebook and forget to post them here.
...I generally would take an oversized meetup group over a bus load of canadians/school groups/church groups anytime as the meetup groups tend to have some clue. .

Wow. Really? Did you really just refer to Canadians as clueless? Or did I misunderstand?
Wow, I thought 16 or 17 of us on Moriah was a lot. (Some of you know who you are.....) but 120, that's more than oversized. I think the Presi-traverse back in 2006 was the last VFTT group I went with, the summer after Paul's ski accident.

Are there still VFTT Gatherings? I see there is still an ADK Gathering. I think the Band still gets together but Sherpa K doesn't post here much (or anymore) since he had to cut back his hiking.

We've grown a little older too. Dave, are you still posting on AMC's bbs was more newbie oriented. I haven't been in a couple of years although Dave and I probablys still are top 10 posters there. I'm busy with two of my own newbies, and a Pack of Scouts, no time to try & round up groups or even hike with Chomp who was the first VFTT'er I hiked with back just before he did the AT.
I've been to some very fun VFTT festivities at Barnes and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around 120 in two sites...Meetupalooza?

Be that as it may, Meet Up is here to stay...I guess some of us really are getting older...myself included...Dennis - you make some good points about newbies and the mistakes we are all inclined to early on in our pursuit of hiking....however, before the age of the Internet....the groups were much smaller --- Meet Up has brought a lot of people to the hiking scene and that's great, but some of the group sizes I have seen have been a personal turnoff. Just my 0.02, I'm sure they are all well intended, outdoor loving people looking to connect with other like minded individuals. ;-)

Thanks for the heads up - I'm glad I wasn't relying on finding space there.
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I am dual citizen US/Canadian so I guess I can take liberty on stereotyping ;)

I noticed last evening they were reserving 3 sites.
I am dual citizen US/Canadian so I guess I can take liberty on stereotyping ;)

I noticed last evening they were reserving 3 sites.
I am multiracial and did not take it funny bro....I have seen some bus loads of Canadians clog up Franconia notch during the summer[ but they did have some hot babes! ].I took your statement to be indicative of ANY group that would come down in large numbers to our white mountains and take up too much space.At least they get more cold air up north and bryan adams is from there.......:D peace on this memorial day weekend.....

As for meetups! I would like to thank them for helping me become a stronger solo hiker.I went on two and then realized I am antisocial[except here of course]
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FYI, there is huge Meetup group (120 plus) that is going to try to fit into two campsites at Barnes Field this upcoming holiday weekend.
This reminds me of a trip report where 4 people intending to climb Mt Whitney reserved a tent site near the trailhead, and arrived in 4 vehicles with 4 tents to discover that the tent site would fit only one tent and not even a large one

If these people really want to "meet up" they should borrow/rent some marquee-size tents and it might even be possible to pitch them on the sites, if they are solo or paired-off it could be quite an issue

I would think that Molly would have long since joined up to keep track on where to hand out the maximum number of citations :)
I met a pretty big Meet Up Group today on the Baldfaces. About 30 people I would say.

More treats for Jackson.:D

The White Mountains are one of the locations under consideration. Guess we will find out in June

Oh, lovely:

"Once Spring Council reaches a decision, people move onto the site and start Seed Camp. Seed Camp is about creating trails, building kitchens, digging shitters (sic), taping springs and dealing with the United States Forest Service. Historically, law enforcement harassment is highest during Seed Camp so if you are planning on being there, take the necessary precautions to keep your self out of the system if you so choose."

Creating trails and digging their own outhouses — sounds like these people are very much not friends of the forest.
I do not believe for a second that a gathering would be in nh even if mentioned in a blog.We are too far north to be a logical choice and this state would not be pc to such a "event'.Vermont might be better.Also in the past Rainbow members from Florida to North Carolina held a large influence over the group[in the east coast].However even though I would love to see my brothers and sisters set up shop up here and I would kindly offer some lentils and beans to help out, I wonder how big the family is around here?
disclaimer;retired rainbow hippi here from down south,years ago.A true rainbow person does not use technology also, so the blog...No way.Very amusing.If the event did happen,cover your nose[no shower zone]:)
I do not believe for a second that a gathering would be in nh even if mentioned in a blog.We are too far north to be a logical choice and this state would not be pc to such a "event'...

I'm pretty sure I recall there being a NH gathering in the past. I think it was on Tunnel Brook Rd about 20 years ago or so?
I'm pretty sure I recall there being a NH gathering in the past. I think it was on Tunnel Brook Rd about 20 years ago or so?
Maybe a local gathering?I should have clarified that I believe a national type of rainbow gathering would not happen in the whites.Cool info about past events here in the 603 though,thanks.It would be funny in the future if you had to sign up on a meetup site to attend gatherings....