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  1. vinovampire

    Molly Stark Mt via The Long Trail 2/3/12

    Trail Conditions: The Long Trail North from the Ap Gap to Molly Stark's Balcony was a "River of Ice." There were light amounts (less than an inch) of snow on the trail in places, but mostly just ice. Due to weak-, steep-ice and running water; one short 15-foot section of the trail on the way to...
  2. vinovampire

    Mt Mansfield via Sunset Trail 2/4/12

    Trail Conditions: Well, Mt Mansfield was looking magnificent today. Although the mountain looked snowy, the snow wasn't very deep. The trail had between four and six inches of snow cover, pretty consistently below the treeline, with occasional drifts off-trail. Above the treeline, there was a...
  3. vinovampire

    Mt Mansfield via Sunset Trail 12/26/11

    Trail Conditions: There is a winter parking lot that has been plowed, several hundred feet before the gate. Four wheel drive vehicles can still get up to the park gate. The trail had between six and eight inches of snow cover, pretty consistently below the treeline, with the deepest snow...
  4. vinovampire

    Camels Hump via Burrows Trail 12/10/11

    Trail Conditions: The trail had between two and four inches of snow cover, pretty consistently from the trail head and just below the summit. Streams are still flowing at almost all elevations, so obtaining water did not require a stove. At the moderate to higher elevations, there was a layer of...
  5. vinovampire

    Molly Stark’s Balcony via the Long Trail 11/05/11

    Trail Conditions: The trail was generally in good shape, with occasional patches that were wet, muddy, or icy. There was one large tree blown down across the trail, which could be walked underneath rather easily. The higher elevations had a mixture of icy rock and a minimal amount of snow...
  6. vinovampire

    Personality Profile

    The two ongoing "know you're a peakbagger" threads got me thinking that there may be some inherent personality differences between those who are peakerbaggers and those who aren't peakbaggers. It got me thinking that people here on VFTT might be interested in an online Jung Typology Test and...
  7. vinovampire

    Mount Mansfield via the Sunset Ridge Trail 10/28/11

    Trail Conditions: The approach to Mt Mansfield was clear and unobstructed, until the gate at Underhill State Park, which is closed and locked. The Sunset Ridge Trail was clear and unobstructed at the lower elevations. Higher up the trail, the conditions became increasingly icy, with a mixture of...
  8. vinovampire

    Mount Abraham via the Long Tail 10/22/11

    Trail Conditions: The Long Trail northbound from the Lincoln Gap to the summit of Mt Abraham was clear and unobstructed, with a few occasional areas of mud and wet rock. The summit was dry, except for a brief period of sleet and snow, which occurred as we were taking pictures. The frozen...
  9. vinovampire

    Camels Hump via Burrows Trail 10/15/11

    Trail Conditions: The trail is wet, with standing water, and covered in fallen leaves at the lower elevations. Higher up the mountain the trail is wet, with slowly moving water, but otherwise clear of debris. The summit is clear and generally dry, except for occasional small pools of standing...