52 WAV Updated


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Well-known member
May 20, 2015
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Ipswich, MA

Some peaks being retired. Some added. Should probably just set the guideline at 2000' as a couple of the new additions are closer to that than the 2500' guideline.

Disappointed to see Roger's on another list but I'm surprised it wasn't on this list before.

To be retired:
1. Black Mountain in Jackson
2. Iron Mountain
3. Square Ledge
4. Hibbard
5. West Royce

To add:
1. Morgan (2,220 feet. Squam Range. Can be done in a loop with Percival)
2. Percival (2,212 feet. Squam Range. Can be done in a loop with Morgan)
3. Pine Mountain (2,404 feet. Recommend accessing via trail from Gorham)
4. Roger's Ledge (2,965 feet. Kilkenny Ridge Trail)
5. Table Mountain (2,610 feet. Attitash Trail)

We will also combine North Doublehead & South Doublehead. North Doublehead has lost a lot of its view, but by combining it with South we can leave it on the list and add something new. So, this will be listed like Welch-Dickey, as a loop.
The revised list of peaks if anyone wants to see the whole shebang:


As for Morgan and Percival, those were added mainly because they are in the Over The Hill Hikers' back yard, and a spot along the ridge has sentimental meaning in honor of OTHH "den mother" Lib Bates.
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Iron Mountain, the summit, has no view, but the trailhead has what might be the best trailhead view around! And, the view from the viewpoint (past the mine) is really quite excellent.

That said, Iron is the only retiree and I have been to Morgan and Percival (have to find some dates...) so a net +1 for me ;)

West Royce was my first 52WAV hike a few years ago. The view was fairly obscured back then. Thankfully, many of the hikes since have had much better views. Its still a nice hike as part of the Basin Rim Rim trail loop. I was going to do Iron Mountain next, I guess that one will just be for the viewpoint and redlining bragging rights.

This pandemic is making me lazy. And fat!

Per the guidance of the staff of the Horton Center, which operates a camp on the mountain, the following is requested of hikers who climb the peak:

Summit -- The summit is located on private property owned by the Horton Center, a faith-based camp and retreat operated by the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ (Congregational). The Center owns a 100-acre tract on the mountain with a complex of buildings situated on the northern plateau. Hikers are welcome on the mountain, but are requested to not disturb any religious activities that may be occurring, mainly during the summer.

Horton Center Complex -- The main buildings of the Horton Center are off-limits to the public and should not be visited. There are access points to the complex which are unmarked, but are closed to hikers: a beaten path leading west from the spur trail to Chapel Rock, and the section of the old fire tower tractor road leading north from the junction of Pine Mountain Trail and Pine Mountain Loop. Also, if approaching via Pine Mountain Rd., hikers should not venture beyond its junction with Pine Mountain Loop.

Chapel Rock -- Hikers are welcome to visit Chapel Rock in the off-season only. Public access is prohibited during the months of June, July and August.

Chapel View Shelter -- This Adirondack-style shelter, located at the end of Chapel View Spur on private property, is not available for public use.

Parking -- If approaching from the south via the Pine Link trailhead, and that parking area is full, do not park along Pine Mountain Rd.
Is the summit

a) required
b) always available to hikers?

I am assuming, despite discrepancies in several maps, that the SSW bump is the summit and the NNW is Chapel Rock.

It was never clear to me if the 52WAV was summit-based or viewpoint-based. So far I have always done both.

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It depends. ;)

For a few of the peaks, there are no views at the true summit, like Paugus, Stairs and Resolution. In the case of Pine, the summit is accessible, but it's viewless. The big views are in the south ledges.
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