A-i-w 15/07/13


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Oct 21, 2007
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The plan until 2 days previous had been to bag one of my remaining HH but the forecast of heat and humidity made the thought of whacking through thick fir to a viewless summit unappealing. It was a good day to get high with a view. Besides, I've been eager to see the new Ketch walk. I signed in at 8:10 and saw no one after the MD turn-off until Julie caught and passed me below the ski trail. She was on the way to her post on Wright, and told me that Kyra would be summit steward on Alg. Invigorated by a nice breeze above tree line, I reached the top at 11:15 (the old guy can still do it!). As kids, the rule in our family was you don't eat lunch before noon or until you're on top. Preferably, both conditions had to apply. So onwards! I was on Iroquois by 11:45 and, after briefly contemplating the family rule, decided it was still good. So I headed back and found myself on top of Algonquin again by 12:45. The traverse used to take me an hour each way. The extensive bog bridging knocked off 15-20 minutes of wallowing through mudholes in each direction. It has to be seen to be believed. I estimate that total length of boardwalking to be between 350 and 400'. The mud in places is truly knee deep, so I can only imagine what dirty work it must have been to place the timbers supporting the planks. After a leisurely summit lunch, the crowds began to arrive. It was still only 1:30 when I reached the Wright trail junction so I thought I might as well do all three. There was no better place to be on a day like yesterday. At the top, Julie training a new summit steward, whose name I regret I forgot. It was her first day on the job and I hope she has many more like it.
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