A New Look at the Old Man


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Tim Seaver

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Aurora Boulderalis

We miss you, big guy

Thankfully, the "new look" is going to be at ground level.
Article in the Boston Globe
That's neat! Thank god they gave up the idea of trying to patch him up and rebuild him with plastic molding, or whatever the plan was. This seems much more fun, quirky and appropriate.
I did find it interesting that on another news report they indicated that the granite was going to be quarried by Rock of Ages in VT.
Designed and carved in MASSACHUSETTS out of VERMONT granite?!?!?!?!? What's wrong with this picture? :mad: :eek:

If he wasn't already lying smashed to bits at the base of Canon, he'd probably jump just knowing this.

They will also be using granite from NH for the smaller pieces from Swenson's Granite. I guess the other sizes were to large and needed to come from a larger quarry.
Ive come to peace with the fact the Old Man is gone, I guess other's havent. How a fake statue is going to get people to turn off the highway is beyond me. Its funny, I was out west when he fell and it took me 6 months to come see the damage firsthand. My personal opinion, the old man got tired of being pimped out and decided to head for the great crag in the sky and I was ok with that. I guess its a matter of perspective, 4.8 millions bucks!!!! not how Id spend it, oh well, Im not going to lose sleep over this either way.
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It is an interesting composite idea with five sculptures, When viewed from the proper angle, so they say will look like the original. I must say when viewed from another angle it looks like an Eastern Island reject
bikehikeskifish said:
Designed and carved in MASSACHUSETTS out of VERMONT granite?!?!?!?!? What's wrong with this picture? :mad: :eek:

If he wasn't already lying smashed to bits at the base of Canon, he'd probably jump just knowing this.


Let's see, Granite from Vermont, not the Granite State; labor from Massachusetts, maybe equipment from Maine.
sierra said:
How a fake statue is going to get people to turn off the highway is beyond me.

Ummmm, have you ever heard of some of the stupidest things people visit! Giant balls of twine. Worlds Largest Liscence plate collection. How about Flume Gorge? Yeah the Flume is pretty, but compared to other places in the Whites, it does not hold a candle IMHO (maybe its because crowds don't do it for me either :D .) This thing is going to make a lot of dollars from tourists who think that these mountains only consist of Flume Gorge, The Old Man of the Mountains, The Mount Washington Auto road and the Cannon Tram :rolleyes: .

Does that suck? Sure! But then again, Im not in charge of budgets and accountability :D

Hey! I visited that ball of twine last summer! :D It's somewhere in Kansas, I forget the name of the town. They even had a register--heehee! Sadly, I'd have to say the ball of twine was a hair more exciting than the high point of the state, "Mt." Sunflower.

Back on topic, $4.8 mil? What a waste of money!! I don't get it. :confused:
NewHampshire said:
This thing is going to make a lot of dollars from tourists who think that these mountains only consist of Flume Gorge, The Old Man of the Mountains, The Mount Washington Auto road and the Cannon Tram :rolleyes: .

Does that suck? Sure! But then again, Im not in charge of budgets and accountability :D


I agree, I think the thing is tacky. I think for people to experience the REAL New Hampshire they've got to get on the trails. Maybe it's good most don't, it'd just create a herd going to the summits.

I have a cousin who goes to N.H. only so he can go :eek: clothes shopping in North Conway :eek:

Rest assured I'll never see him on a trail.
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The state has lost a bundle of tourista $$$ on the Franconia side of the Whites since the Old Man collapsed, so I am sure that the state honchos are thinking the return on the $4.8 mil will be worth the investment. Also, the state has been talking about selling or renting the Cannon Mountain operation for years, which has only rachetted up since the demise of the Old Man. As noted above, most tourists do not care whether they are paying for fake or real, in the Whites or anywhere. But, I say let's take their money in the North Country, as there is not much else to generate income.
bikehikeskifish said:
Designed and carved in MASSACHUSETTS out of VERMONT granite?!?!?!?!? What's wrong with this picture? :mad: :eek:

If he wasn't already lying smashed to bits at the base of Canon, he'd probably jump just knowing this.


It could be worse. They could be making it in China.
WhiteMTHike said:
I agree, I think the thing is tacky. I think for people to experience the REAL New Hampshire they've got to get on the trails. Maybe it's good most don't, it'd just create a herd going to the summits.

Better to have the hordes herded in Franconia Notch at the Old Man site than marching through Zealand or Carter Notch, even driving through Crawford for that matter.

The memorial looks tacky but if it boosts the local economy, Im all for it.
Who wants to bet they'll be at least one ice cream stand next to it? Yeah, that's wilderness! :p
bikehikeskifish said:
The original old man wasn't exactly in the 'Wilderness'. Most people hardly got out of their car, and some didn't get off the FNP.


I bet there'll still be an ice cream stand.