ADK-Wright-Algonquin-Iroquois Monday, 12/5

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Dom, mav, rik, num, earthnsky & gang, rdl, shin & anyone I may have forgotten, thanx for giving me some good info that even the best map & guidebook couldn't have imparted.

However, due to the fact I'd still be going solo and bagging peaks w/ great views on a viewless day (94% cloud cover according to, I've decided to forestall this hike until later.

I'm very flexible on the dates- anywhere between 12/8 & 12/13 works for me.

No, I'm not a bum who lies around the house, I'm going on temporary active duty thru the Air Force Reserve, and yesterday was my last day at my civilian job. Since I might be going to a land w/ lots of high peaks (w/ the added challenge that there's people on them that want to kill you), I'm trying to bag as many of the NE 115 as possible before then.

Hello to anyone who's been following this thread, I've rescheduled the hike and put it under a new name. FYI.

Thanx again for the good trail feedback, and happy hiking to all.